Transcripts Mike Church Show- Review of 2016 Al Smith Dinner That Invited Killary Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […] todaySeptember 25, 2024 34
insert_link Transcripts Michael F. Holt Book: Why the South HAD to Secede and Why Today is Even Worse todayApril 25, 2024 63
Eric Lebo on July 31, 2012 The problem is the political parties themselves, but the culture change that got the politicians elected in the first place. Our election process has become some what as a joke. It is nothing more then a popularity contest. Therefor the politicians themselves will NEVER do anything that will make them unpopular that might justify them getting reelected even if it’s the right thing to do. For example cutting or appealing a government program that employs government bureaucrats, to include the military. Log in to Reply
Jamie Raney - Iowa on July 30, 2012 All we, supporters of freedom that migrate towards Ron Paul, want is for the rules to be followed. Hmm, all we want are the constitutions and the city and county charters to be followed. Rules are established to be followed. Here in lies the problem. Both the parties and most people in general only want the other guy to follow the rules, but not themselves. Is that not where we strayed for all of those that worship the national constitution? The citizenry expects the other guys representatives to follow the rules, but theirs can break them. A dirty little not-so-secret everyone, the RNC rules in the past have allowed the delegates to vote their conscience and not be bound. Hmmm, is this why there is such a push to not allow Paul supporters to have the majority in 5 states? Something for all of you lovely rule breakers to put in your pipe and smoke for a while. Wink, wink. Log in to Reply
Peter Redman on July 30, 2012 When i herd this call i wanted to call in and give some insight to the other side however when at work making personal calls on your cell phone is a no no so here goes, Now i can only speak for me, my state ( Maine ) and what ive observed, taken part in and done during our caucuses, and convention. From the get go the Rommny camp has taken the democratic play book and incorperated it into there own, dis infranchising a whole county ( Washington ) then at the convention acting and playing like a bunch of spolied little school kids who didnt get there way and pouted and whent home to mom crying. The paul people ( i one of them and a delegate from my small town of Kenduskeag ) brought there A game to the convention. They were organized, we had a information meeting the night before the convention and we had a group of dedicated voulenteer group that made shure the process to us new commers was easy and explained, we had a ticket with canadates we wanted to not only go to tampa but also in the Maine republican party high archy. and we won just about every spot that was up for grabs, it was done fair and to paramentary rules ( Roberts rules of order ) which the author gave our chair person a high mark for fowllowing the rules to a T alnong side a lawyer and the republican party rule book. Yet with all the rule following and the legiditmant election of canadates we ( Ron Paul people ) were said to have ” Hijacked ” the state convention, that we had anrachy ruling the convention floor when in fact it was the Rommny people who did the stalling tactics, forging the Paul delegate list 2 times! and harassing Paul delegates sent to the state convention duely elected at there town and city caucuses. Now the rommney folks are suing the party so as to not seat our elected delegates to tampa, after all that ive wrote in here who seams to be the group that is not getting along? The Rommny folks would like you to belive the Paul delegates and those elected to key Maine republicn party positions that we are a tiny majority in the party, if so then i ask why the lawsuit? why the name calling in newspapers and concertive forums? why all the childish antics at the convention? if we are such a minor threat why all this B.S ? We ( the Paul pepople ) whent through the porcoess we were told to do if we wanted change, change is who we vote on to elect at the fedral and state level, then we were told we hijacked the process because we won, we came with the most people and votes, is this the way to mend fences and try and ralley the party together? it seams by pushing the majority away would be the last thing you would want to do in any election but this is what has and is happing in Maine. So to richard it is not us the Paul Pepole who wount play ball, in theis circumstances ( in Maine ) it apears you ( the rommny people ) want to take your ball and go home. Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757