
Callers React to Newtown Regurgitating Propaganda the RIGHT Has Fed Them

todayDecember 18, 2012 8


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I think the ubiquitous and abstract hurling epithets at the term liberalism solves absolutely nothing, that’s what I think.  It’s not liberalism, by the way, it’s progressivism.  Classical liberalism we all practice: free markets, freewill, freedom of choice.  That’s classical liberalism.  Hurling all these accusations at liberals and blaming them for this, this solves nothing.  We’re right back at Red Socks v. Yankees.  Our almighty federal overlords and those think tanks in politics and media and academia have done an absolutely magnificent job of propagandizing. Check out the rest in today’s transcript….


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Lee is in Illinois, first up today.  Lee, it’s a Merry Christmas out there, how are you?

Caller Lee:  Pretty good.  Good morning to you.  I just wanted to say that my heart feels bad for those little children, but I look at it this way: it’s God’s will.  Maybe we should put prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance back in school, maybe things like this might not go on quite so bad.

Mike:  I don’t know how a prayer in the school would have stopped this particular lunatic from going in there.  I certainly have no earthly clue as to why the Pledge of Allegiance would have done it either.  Did you see the picture that I posted on my Twitter feed last night, Andrew?

AG:  I have not seen it, no.

Mike:  I go to the Huffington Post doing show prep last night and there’s a photograph of some memorial that somebody put up for the 27 that were dead.  On the side of the road there were 27 American flags, little American flags.  I just looked at it going: What in the world does the flag and citizenship have to do with this?  Now we need to bring the Pledge of Allegiance back.  Yes, let’s bring the socialist, Bellamy Pledge, indivisible, insufferable union back and that will prevent future tragedies.  I don’t know why I didn’t think of that myself.  Scott is in Georgia next.  Hello, Scott.

Caller Scott:  Hello, Mike.  How are you this morning, sir?

Mike:  I’m good, thank you.  I’m feeling much better.

Caller Scott:  My personal opinion of the whole situation is things need to start being taught again.  Moral values need to be taught back at home.  Corporal punishment needs to be put back in schools.  People can’t even discipline their children anymore without the DFAC looking over their shoulder saying that’s abuse, when actually it’s discipline.  There’s a big difference between disciplining your child and abusing your child.  If you teach your child the proper moral values, the proper use of a weapon and how to live life to the fullest, to love your fellow man, it would take care of a lot of the issues.  A lot of that is being taken out of society today and it’s been run amok.  The liberalism in this country is tearing it apart.  The only way to solve it is to put God back into this nation where he needs to be.  That’s my opinion on the whole situation.  I don’t know if you have anything to add to that.  I think that’s a good start.

Mike:  I think the ubiquitous and abstract hurling epithets at the term liberalism solves absolutely nothing, that’s what I think.  It’s not liberalism, by the way, it’s progressivism.  Classical liberalism we all practice: free markets, freewill, freedom of choice.  That’s classical liberalism.  Hurling all these accusations at liberals and blaming them for this, this solves nothing.  We’re right back at Red Socks v. Yankees.  Our almighty federal overlords and those think tanks in politics and media and academia have done an absolutely magnificent job of propagandizing.  They can get us to repeat what they want us to repeat at the drop of a dime.  It doesn’t even matter what the situation is, we’ll repeat it.  [mocking] “It’s those damn liberals’ fault.”  Really?  Really, Chris Matthews caused this?  Really, seriously?  Come on!  AG, you know why I wound up in a hospital because I had this rhabdomyolysis or whatever — I need to look it up so I can pronounce it correctly.  You know how you get this?  Overexertion like I just participated in.  The doctor said, “Have you done anything to overexert yourself?”  Yes!  I talk to nut jobs on the radio every day.

AG:  5:00 to 8:00 Central.

Mike:  I’m probably going to wind up in the hospital tonight.  We’re robotic.  That is a soulless point of view, my friend.  [mocking]  “It’s that damn liberals.  We gotta blame them liberals.  It’s the liberals’ fault.”  Well, it may be the liberals’ fault.  I guarantee you, if it’s the liberals’ fault, there are conservatives to blame, too.  No, none of us sin.  None of us divorce.  None of us do any of the things those nasty, despicable liberals do that we’re taught to despise.  George is in Illinois next.  Hello, George.

Caller George:  Good morning, Mike.  I just had a thought hit me.  I have agreement with you that these shoot ‘em up video games have a lot to do with this mess.  When you spoke about the school bomber in the past, everybody is all against getting rid of these guns and everything.  What would be the difference if the boy that did this, or man I guess?  What would have been the difference, in an elementary school, if he’d have walked in with a ball bat?  He could have inflicted just as much damage with a ball bat to elementary children that he could have with a gun.  The gun is easier, but what will they do next, try to ban ball bats out of the school?  It’s a never-ending thing.  I’ve got a liberal buddy of mine and he’s just drinking this Kool-Aid that’s all over CNN, five-gallon buckets of it, “We’ve got to get rid of guns.”  I say: Buddy, you don’t understand.

Mike:  First of all, that’s just not practical.  There are over 275, almost 300 million firearms believed to exist and be in the hands of the public in the United States of America.  You’re never going to confiscate 300 million weapons.  If you attempt to do it through forced confiscations and meltdowns and whatever else you attempt to do, all you’re going to do is leave guns in the hands of the lawless.  Gun confiscation and gun bans are only going to empower the lawless.  Those out there saying that’s irresponsible and that’s not a solution for this, I believe, by and large, that’s correct.  The firearm is so ubiquitous in the United States.  Does that mean that you can’t have responsible regulations at the local level?  Of course it doesn’t.  Again, you’re dealing with inanimacy instead of animacy.  Where’s the animacy between these lunatics and their maker?  That’s another question that no one other than Patrick J. Buchanan has dared to ask.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: ClintStroman

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  1. Wil Shrader Jr. on December 22, 2012

    Maybe the flags are to indicate casualties in the war on guns? Or simply ignorance. I wonder if those flags were made in China.

  2. JTWilliams on December 18, 2012

    Isnt tha great- dozens of kids get killed, and we plant…American flags? I just don’t get it. We dont place crosses on the lawn (that might offend someone). No, we place the grand symbol of the state as a memorial to the children. That’s frightening!

    At a time like this, Americans dont pray to God, they look to their mommy government. I’m certain that this would not have been so 10 to 20+ years ago. USA! USA! USA!

  3. David Bryant on December 18, 2012

    Great stuff Mike. I listened to it live, but felt compelled to read it. Thanks for keep the real issues in focus.


    David Bryant
