Church Doctrine

Captain Obvious To “Conservatives”: VA Hospitals Are Government Hospitals

todayMay 22, 2014 12


Secede_Die_Shirt_WaxMandeville, LA – I’d like to ask Captain Obvious about the latest scandal leeching out of Mordor on the Potomac concerning the deplorable condition of VA hospitals. Republicans like California’s Kevin McCarthy have seized on the plight of the VA and Obama’s alleged incompetence saying “…we should doubt his ability to properly manage the leviathan government that he helped create.” Well, if McCarthy is going to blame Obama for helping create the “leviathan government” then McCarthy and his war-happy GOP buddies are equally if not more to blame.

This will come as a newsflash to most FoxNews watching “conservatives” but the military IS a part of the “leviathan government” and is THE part of that “leviathan” that is currently being mistreated by the VA. In fact, the Congressional Budget Office recently reported that “VHA treated 400,000 of 1.3 million eligible veterans in 2010, up from 100,000 of 500,000 eligible vets in 2005.” Hmmmm, I wonder who is responsible for that mammoth increase in war-wounded? Consulting the most ominous, quasi-vote for war in this century, Iraq, we find shocking news. McCarthy and his GOP colleagues voted for war, with Democrats, 215-82 in the House and 48-29 in the Senate. In other words, fake conservatives are mostly to blame for growing the military part of the “leviathan government” Representative McCarthy is whining about.

But there is something even more disturbing about this debacle: at the end of the day, the VA Hospitals are government hospitals, dispensing… you guessed it, “government run healthcare.” Isn’t that what we’re told will be the end of all freedom in the U.S. as we know it thanks to ObamaCare? This begs a Captain Obvious style question: why is government run healthcare ok for our veterans but not ok for the fat-cat businessmen who helped put them behind enemy lines to start with?


Mike Church is a New Orleans native and a radio host appearing daily on the SiriusXM Patriot Channel. He is an author and editor of “Patrick Henry-American Statesman” and is the writer and director of 7 Docudramas on American history including “The Spirit of ‘76” and the recently released “Times That try Men’s Souls-Washington’s Crossing”.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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