Daily Clip

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Daily Clip

“He’s In A Better Place” Is said Of The Dead But Is It Said Of Dead Atheists?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Because we are humans, and we are American humans, Western civilization humans, we now have built our own demigods.  Our gods are government.  We have convinced ourselves that we’re not supposed to die.  *read satire* God, you don’t have any say so with this.  We are immortal.  Do you understand me, Lord?  We are immortal.  You need to back off.  We will save lives and […]

todayApril 1, 2014 5

What Lincoln Killed flyer

Daily Clip

Venice Secession, What Would Lincoln Do? Send Sherman In To Burn Down Verona

Mandeville, LA - My friend Kevin Gutzman posts on Facebook: In the wake of the Venetian referendum, wisdom from America: "We cannot allow slavery to return to Italy -- the eternal, indissoluble nation of Italy. Did you know that Italy created Venice?" - Abraham Lincoln This is  great coincidence because on Monday's radio show on SiriusXM I talked about Lincoln sending Sherman in to "march to the Adriatic Sea burning […]

todayMarch 25, 2014 6

Founding Father John Taylor Clip

Daily Clip

DeceptiCON Myths Destroyed: Neville Chamberlain Falsely Blamed For Appeasing Hitler

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I promised to get into this article here by Patrick J. Buchanan from 2008.  Why would I resurrect something from 2008?  Why would I do such a thing?  Well, there are a couple reasons why.  The primary reason why is because it keeps coming up, and now it’s reared its ugly head again.  [mocking] 'Well, you and Ron Paul and your non-interventionist buddies, you’re gonna […]

todayMarch 25, 2014 17

Daily Clip

Secession Is Taboo Because It Poses Threat To Federal Crime Cartel

"Folks, this is why secession must be pooh-poohed, tabooed, the word to dare not speak its name. It must be made all of those horrific things because it is the ultimate threat to them. Leaving their jurisdiction is the ultimate threat to them. That’s what they fear. They don’t fear Vlad the Impaler Putin. They don’t fear the Iranians. They fear you and me seceding. That’s what they fear. Why? […]

todayMarch 20, 2014 10

Daily Clip

You Can’t Handle The Truth! Mike Church Explains What a RINO Actually Is

Mandeville, LA  - On today's SiriusXM radio show a caller, Bill from VA, tried to help the previous caller who spent his 15 minutes of radio fame moaning about RINO's and how the world would be peaches and cream if we could just hunt them all down and mount their carcasses. Mike took the opportunity to turn his blood pressure up, way up and explain why the Republican, who is […]

todayMarch 18, 2014 4

Daily Clip

Seriously – The U.S. Needs New Federations With a More Manageable Scale

Mandeville, LA  - Caller Joe from FL wants to know why Mike hasn't solved everyone's problem with the out-of-control Congress bullying and tyrannizing the States and then the rest of the planet. "Simple, Joe, when you want to be rid of a unfaithful wife what do you do? Yes, well then apply the same logic to the Feds and you have a recipe for what Sam Adams called 'brush fires'." […]

todayMarch 17, 2014 7

Founding Father John Taylor Clip

Daily Clip

Satire: How The Fable News Media Told The “Arizona Bill Kills Gays” Story

Mandeville, LA - I often poo-poo the notion that our cultural, political and spiritual woes can be blamed on the ubiquitous "Liberal Media" and I believe that to be true but there are times when a story is only a story because media workers (it's time we started adorning them with vulgar distinctions the way they adorn most of us) seize the event's most outrageous description and promote that storyline […]

todayFebruary 27, 2014 5

Founding Father John Taylor Clip

Daily Clip

Yellen Fed Testimony – Women Do More Than Wear CEO Suits

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – But Yellen has a power suit on with some shoulder pads.  She could be playing for the Ravens next year.  She looks like she could be playing for the Ravens next year.  Knock a tooth or two out and bam.  That’s number one of this grand show of power.  We’re all-powerful, and thank you, Chairman Yellen, for being a chick and being so powerful […]

todayFebruary 13, 2014 7

Declaration is God

Daily Clip

Mendenhall Essay Pt. II – The American Union Killed America

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Three months ago I contacted Pete Haworth, who runs NomocracyInPolitics.com.  I had previously contacted the editors of two other conservative major publications, I think they’re major publications, and both turned me down.  Both said it wasn’t worth doing, doing this symposium on the utility and the value of continuing the current American union.  I think that’s because no one wants to touch this nuclear […]

todayFebruary 12, 2014 8
