Daily Clip Caller 17 Yr Old Kelsie-Why Are There DeceptiCONS Mitter Church, Why!? Mike Church Show Audio - 17 Yr Old, home schooled, Kelsie from Indiana calls in and wants to know why DeceptiCONS continue their deceitful ways against the Constitution? Mike dedicates the following answer to some of the recent cadre of DeceptiCONS bombarding his e-mail box and FaceBook pages with attacks against himself, Professor Gutzman, Professor Woods, Ron Paul and others. No Liberal disguised as a conservative stone is left unturned […] todayNovember 8, 2011 6
Daily Clip Clip Of The Day-Dave Wants To Know Why I Will Not Endorse Romney Mike Church Show Audio - David is a caller from North Carolina is is distraught that I have notshown a willingness to endorse WHOEVER the GOP nominates because thiswill wind up costing that person the nomination. What follows is ten minutes of hysteria during which Mike's attempts to assuage David's concerns are met with repetitions of what Mike says, through a "bizzaro" filter. David thinks Mike will cost Romney the […] todayNovember 7, 2011 5
Daily Clip DeceptiCON Callers Predict Ron Paul Gets The Planet Blown Up Mike Church Show Audio - You have to love and admire the non-critical thinking, Talk radio Mafia trained DeceptiCONS whop are absolutely convinced that Iran has designs on detonating nukes from Israel to San Fran to the ice world of Hoth. todayNovember 4, 2011 6
Daily Clip Higher Education Lowers Intelligence College Is A Gamble Not Worth Taking(Audio) NEW ORLEANS, La. - Mike engages a caller who wishes to state that all her family has gone to college without a nickel of help from Uncle Sucker. Mike draws heavily upon this enlightening essay from Bill Bonner writing at Lew Rockwell's blog. Comment(s)Listen to the Segment from the Show todayNovember 1, 2011 2
Daily Clip Larry The Caller Guy Wants Mike To Stop Mocking How Savings Can Restore Prosperity(Audio) NEW ORLEANS, La. - Among the "conservative" obsession with Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Plan Mike Church remains unconvinced. This angers Larry the Caller Guywho demands that Mike stop mocking Cainiacs and their blind devotion to a new scheme to tax the American sheople. As Mike points out the same crowd that screamed til cows came home over the dubious constitutionality of ObamaCare's mandate now seem to […] todayOctober 17, 2011 5
Daily Clip Savings Savings Savings-Mike’s 10 Year Plan How Savings Can Restore Prosperity(Audio) NEW ORLEANS, La. - Mike Church has been reading lots of economic classics like "Human Action" (von Mises), "Economics in 1Lesson" (Hazlitt) and"The Wealth of Nations" (Adam Smith). Mike is convinced that most of our current downturn in small business can be reversed by eliminating Federal Agencies, flattening and lowering the tax rate, putting The Federal Reserve out of business and letting banks and/or the […] todayOctober 12, 2011 1
Daily Clip Tony Perkin’s Dubious Family Values Tony Perkins Dubious "Family Values"(Audio) NEW ORLEANS, La. - Tony Perkins likes to tout family values, however he seems with his current statement dismissing this past weekend's Values Voters straw poll, to have an entirely different notion as to the definition of "family values." Apparently you can call yourself "Pro-Family" while you support killing under the U.S. Imperial hegemony, sending off America's sons and daughters to die in pointless wars […] todayOctober 10, 2011 14
Daily Clip Stop Your Whining and Take Responsibility for Your Own Success or Failure Comment(s)New Orleans, La. Josh calls into the show to chastise a previous caller who endlessly whined about the difficulties of life and that only through the benevellent hand of Government could anyone hope to succeed. todaySeptember 28, 2011 5
Daily Clip Using Statism to Stop Statism and other Looking Glass Like Parables Comment(s)New Orleans, La. Ed, a caller into the show tries to enlighten Mike as to the necessity of combating STATISM around the globe by using the most visible STATIST apparatus, the U.S. Military. Much hilarity and hypocrisy ensues.Once again, a so-called Republican [read DeceptiCON] attempts to defend the philosophy of a Democrat, i.e. Woodrow Wilson. todaySeptember 13, 2011 5
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757