Founders Television

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Founders Television

2005 Book Challenges Men To Become “Compleat Gentleman”

Mandeville, La - Exclusive Audio and Video - On today's [r]epublican radio podcast preview, Mike reads from Brad Miner's book "The Compleat Gentleman: The Modern Man's Guide To Chivalry". In his book he discusses the history of chivalry and how it relates to modern man and society. In today's preview, Mike read's a highlight from the book and offers his insights on the seven year old book and how times […]

todayAugust 20, 2012 5

Founders Television

Jan Brewer Rejects Obamas Illegal Immigrant Jump Shot

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - The media is claiming that Jan Brewer's Executive Order on Illegal Immigration is "controversial" but they're giving a free pass the Executive Order that prompted it from... Dear Leader Chairman MaObama. In fact, Brewer says she's simply following in the footsteps of the Department of Homeland Security by allowing the illegal immigrants to stay in the country, not be deported, and not […]

todayAugust 16, 2012 4

Founders Television

Stars Earn Stripes But Not Brain Cells

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio -  On today's [r]epublican radio podcast, Mike discusses NBC's new show "Stars Earn Stripes" which is basically just a real life video game.  There's also an article about the show by Rod Dreher on, in it he says the show "enthusiastically melds warfare and fame" and the "stars" will participate in "missions reminiscent of counterinsurgencies that have taken place all over […]

todayAugust 15, 2012 4

Founders Television

Boehner Forced To Eat His Own Crap Sandwich… Defends Ryan on Bailouts

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - Yesterday John Boehner was on "On The Record" with Greta van Susteren and was forced to defend VP nod Paul Ryan on TARP, the GM Bailout, and more.  According to Boehner, Ryan did what he had to do to "save the world economy". Sounds like someone just took a giant bite out of that old crap sandwich, right Boehner? […]

todayAugust 14, 2012 11

Founders Television

Lowry and Maddow Yell It Out Over $700 Billion in Medicare Cuts

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - On today's [r]epublican radio podcast watch as the Red Sox and Yankees, er I mean the Reds and the Blues, Dems and Libs go at it on Meet the Press yelling at each other about $700 Million in Medicare Cuts.  Get ready everyone cause this is what you're going to see for the next couple of months, a bunch […]

todayAugust 13, 2012 4

Founders Television

Anderson Cooper Interviews Bill Burton on Obama’s “Romney Killed My Wife” Ad

[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - Bill Burton, the mastermind behind the "Mitt Romney took my health care away and killed my wife" ad (despite the fact that she had health care), was on Anderson Cooper yesterday defending this monstrosity.  It's amazing what all of those years of living in a garbage can will get you Mr. Burton, when you can just defend this type […]

todayAugust 9, 2012 20

Founders Television

Bill O’Reilly Wants Control of Your TV AND Body

[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - Does Bill O'Reilly know a crack-head when he sees one? Well, whether he does or not he wants the Gubbmint to consider all sales of harmful substances a "violent act".  So Mr. O'Reilly wants us to return to prohibition? What about all of the nice bartenders that have waited on me at my local pub? Should they all be […]

todayAugust 8, 2012 4

Founders Television

Romney Hood and His Merry Millions! -A Tale by Barack Obama

[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - How appropriate is it that the man who wants to "spread the wealth around" would go out on the campaign trail and start telling tall tales about "Romney Hood, the man who is going to steal from the poor and give to the rich"? Well, Mr. President if we do some simple math we would see that it is […]

todayAugust 7, 2012 9

Founders Television

Mike’s Favorite Federalist – Jonathan Vilma

[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio - Check out today's [r]epublican radio podcast for the latest on Jonathan Vilma and his fight against Roger Goodell and the NFL.   Be sure and check out the rest of the podcast for the news digest, with plenty of news on Mitt Romney interview on CNN, and our "This Day in Founder's History" segment.  Grab a Founder's Pass to watch and listen […]

todayAugust 6, 2012 9
