Founders Television

445 Results / Page 17 of 50


Founders Television

The Four Million Dollar Teacher: Made in Korea?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Many kids are going back to school in late August or early September and the question always comes up, "Are they actually learning anything?" Well, because we have such a QUANTITY of education here, that is so heavily regulated by standards such as the Common Core, that they are actually dumbing down the curriculum of schools. So is there any place in […]

todayAugust 19, 2013 55


Founders Television

Madison Explains It All: Why Ted Cruz Can Or Cannot Run For President

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - There's an ongoing discussion of whether or not Ted Cruz is eligible for running for President... even though he has not announced is running as of yet. Certainly he meets the requirements for being a Senator, but does he meet the requirements for being a President? Let's let James Madison explain... According to Mr. Madison the "natural born citizen" requirement does not […]

todayAugust 14, 2013 3

Founders Television

Education Isn’t Just For Students, Teachers Can Learn New Things Too

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - In most states, continuing education is required by law for many professions... Doctors for example need to be educated about the latest drugs. So why aren't our educators required to do this? And we're not saying that this should be administered by the state, not at all. But shouldn't the people educating our youth be up to date on the latest technologies, […]

todayAugust 13, 2013 5

Founders Television

T-T-Tomorrow’s News Today… Not Always R-R-Right, But FAST

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Did you know you can get tomorrow's news today? That's the way the news business works today. They receive their editorial submissions in the evening for tomorrow's print edition... and go ahead and publish them on the web that evening or night. But that doesn't always mean that news is reliable. For instance... this article on the NY Slimes by James Traub […]

todayAugust 8, 2013 6

Founders Television

Decepticonia Wants More Sanctions on Iran and Rubio as VP

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - On today's Post Show Show podcast preview Mike discusses the Decepticons desire for more sanctions on Iran and they're desire to have Rubio be Romney's pick for Vice President. If you have a Founder's Pass you can listen to, and watch, the full show where you'll hear more on Mike discussing Ron and Rand's reaction to the sanctions and Unconstitutional Wars.

todayAugust 1, 2013 7

Founders Television

What Will Happen to the Debt Crisis if Paul Isn’t Elected?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Podcast - On today's Founders TV we discuss what Ron Paul's legacy will be, who will follow in his footsteps to fight for the gold standard and the fight against Central Banking. Mike also reads an excerpt from Henry Simmons book "The Life of John Taylor" about the Thomas Jefferson administration, how they're number one goal was to pay back the debt that Washington and Adams […]

todayJuly 30, 2013 7

Founders Television

Be Careful What You Say in American Politics… Especially if You Are Pigmentally Challenged

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Jack Hunter is with Rand Paul as Social Media Director no more. The Southern Avenger aims to avenge his good name from those who have tried to make it an adverb as in "you're not going to go all Southern Avenger on me now are you, Cletus?" Jack has not physically hurt anyone, he has not defamed anyone, he has merely spoken […]

todayJuly 23, 2013 8

Founders Television

Live Chat Tonight With Mike Church!

Welcome to the preview of Mike Church's LIVE CHAT, upcoming on Wednesday evening, 7 p.m. central. For Founders Pass Members ONLY. Non-members: you can register for a FREE, 1 day pass for the event. Create your account with the information requested below to access tonight's video AUDIO chat! [register_FP-Free] Upon registration you will be immediately logged in and have instant access to all Founders Pass content throughout the site. When […]

todayJuly 17, 2013 9
