insert_link Church Doctrine The Cliven Bundy Saga: How Congress Snatched The Power To Claim Lands A Founders Pass Audio Exclusive! Another way to put this point is that if Congress did have an original, implied power over all its Territories, there would be no need to include in the 13th Amendment the second instance where slavery was to be abolished i.e. “place[s] subject to their jurisdiction” and so that should be that. todayJune 8, 2022 113
insert_link Vox de republica Thomas Jefferson and the Burr in Obama’s Kill List This essay and audio recording, written and recorded by: Mike Church ©2014. This work originally appeared at the Daily Caller and is presented in the unedited form Mr. Church submitted in. Mandeville, LA - President Obama's "kill-list memo" reveals a world of tyrannical political power that used to be the kind of stuff a Jack Ryan would be dispatched to put down in some Baltic republic ruled by an evil […] todayFebruary 18, 2019 15
insert_link Vox de republica Vox de republica audiocast:Why is Boehner Afraid to Impeach Obama? There is no other way to make people realize just how dangerously close to imbecilic barbarians we are devolving into. Please consider the strange case of the “Impeachment Trial of President Barrack Obama”. What’s that you say, there has been no impeachment of Obama? That is precisely the point todayJuly 23, 2014 14
insert_link Vox de republica Vocis de [r]epublica: “Zero Tolerance”, A New Term For An Old Scam Mandeville, LA - This essay and audio recording, written and recorded by: Mike Church ©2014. This work originally appeared at the Daily Caller and is presented in the unedited form Mr. Church submitted in. 01 May, 2014 - I am still staring in disbelief at the TV that just broadcast NBA commissioner Adam Silver's announcement that Donald Sterling has been fined $2.5 MILLION and banned from the NBA for life. The […] todayMay 20, 2014 8
insert_link Vox de republica The U.S. Makes Political Prisoners, Time to Make a New U.S. This essay and audio recording, written and recorded by: Mike Church ©2014. This work originally appeared at the Daily Caller and is presented in the unedited form Mr. Church submitted in. “The question before the house is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery. Should I keep back my opinions at such a […] todayApril 3, 2014 10
insert_link Vox de republica Conservatives Can’t Surrender Ground They Never Defended This essay and audio recording, written and recorded by: Mike Church ©2014. This work originally appeared at the Daily Caller and is presented in the unedited form Mr. Church submitted in. Mandeville, LA - Ross Douthat’s essay “The Terms of Our Surrender”, appeared in last Sunday’s New York Times and is a well written piece with one exception. The conservatives who ostensibly surrendered don’t appear to be conservative at all. […] todayMarch 24, 2014 6
insert_link Vox de republica Citizen Steinfein to Senator Feinstein-Welcome To My World Mike's weekly "Vocalis de [r]epublica (voice of the republic)" A pre-recorded version of Mike's Daily Caller (or other) essays, brought to life in easy to download mp3 format. todayMarch 21, 2014 12
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757