
1000 Results / Page 1 of 112



Wednesday Pile of Prep

Wednesday Pile of Prep - Mayorkas Looks Like Lex Luthor Because He Is Biden's Lex Luthor Hodierna Verba Thursday Pile of Prep Veritatis et Sapientiae "I use this word scholar in no low or contracted sense. I mean by it, indeed, a learner, for truth is infinite, and we are finite; but on this occasion I mean by it the master rather than the pupil; and not merely the one […]

todayApril 17, 2024 5


Thursday Pile of Prep – Is Speaker Johnson Being Blackmailed!?

Tuesday Pile of Prep - RFK Jr: Biden Is Greatest Threat To Democracy In American History Hodierna Verba Thursday Pile of Prep Veritatis et Sapientiae "Joe Biden claims to be a Catholic, but self-assessment has limited utility in deciding who is and who isn’t a Christian. At the risk of declaring myself an arbiter, I can say with certainty that anyone who believes a man can become a woman or […]

todayApril 4, 2024 8


Monday Pile of Prep

Monday Pile of Prep - Today's The Day, Will Trump Fork Over $1 Kajillion To MAOtitia James!? Hodierna Verba Thursday Pile of Prep Veritatis et Sapientiae "There are two types of heroism. There is the heroism of Achilles and there is the heroism of Hector. The first is the heroism of the Strong Man who gets even with his enemies through the power that he wields; the second is the […]

todayMarch 25, 2024 7


Pile of Prep – SCOTUS Unleashes Greatest Trump Derangement Syndrome Ever!

MondayPileofPrep-Hodierna Verba Thursday Pile of Prep Veritatis et Sapientiae "From its birth, the Church was politically radical. It worked to overthrow tyrannies and establish societies of justice. But it did this in a manner unlike any other revolutionary movement. It did not attempt to defeat tyranny at its own game, becoming the biggest and baddest social power around: another political force or ideological faction raising armies and winning elections. If […]

todayMarch 8, 2024 11


Monday Pile of Prep

Hodierna Verba Thursday Pile of Prep Veritatis et Sapientiae "The biggest mistake we make is in believing that we are in a so-called ‘culture war.’ The phrase ‘culture war’ assumes that both sides have rival cultures they are battling to defend and promote. However, the enemies of civilisation, of life, and love, have no culture. If anything, their aim is not only to destroy the great cultural and spiritual achievements […]

todayFebruary 12, 2024 8


Merry Christmas Y’all

Hodierna Verba Thursday Pile of Prep Veritatis et Sapientiae "The paganism of the twentieth century, on the other hand, sees in the Christian religion the decisive, indeed the essential, obstacle to the realization of its program for human society. It attacks the entire Christian faith—and not without cause, for it seeks also to destroy the Christian ethic." - A.H. Winset, A Study of Sigrid Undset Listen To Yesterday's Mike Church […]

todayDecember 22, 2023 7


How Long Will Tucker’s TCM Honeymoon Last And Would Tucker Sell Out To Continue

After months of speculation, Tucker Carlson answers the question of what will he do after Fox News.  Tucker announced that he is joining the ranks of independent broadcasts with the formation of Tucker Carlson Media (TCM.)  In his first show, Tucker mentions what he lost since leaving Fox News and the direction he intends to take.  Mike Church is excited by Tucker's announcement, but Tucker mentioning the hours of  interviews […]

todayDecember 12, 2023 3


Today We Settle The Greatest Question Of All: Is Die Hard A Christmas Movie

Die Hard is a Christmas movie.  For the last few years that statement has sparked a furious debate on social media.  News organizations like the New York Times and the Federalist all try to give the definitive answer, but they usually fall short.  Mike Church tackles this question with some cold hard CRUSADE Channel facts and he lets the CRUSADE Channel chat room answer it as well. Find out why […]

todayDecember 11, 2023 8


Video Has Not Killed The Radio Star! Happy 8th Birthday CRUSADE

Mike Church celebrates the eighth birthday of the CRUSADE Channel. Mike takes a trip down memory lane on this episode of the New Christendom Daily.  He visits with the people who helped build this great radio station. The people like Jim Mosher, and Mike Ziants who are the voices you hear on a daily basis. Mike also talks with previous and current hosts, and every year one audience member calls […]

todayNovember 14, 2023 3
