
1001 Results / Page 18 of 112



The KingDude’s Gifts You Should Give This Christmas

First and Foremost: A Blessed Advent to you and yours! Second: Maggie O'Connell and I have been designing and gathering the items need for our first ever Gift Boxes for Real Men and Real Women and their kids. These boxes are beautifully stocked with everything a young Valet Knight needs to pursue virtue and manliness of protecting women; everything a Fair Maiden needs to pursue a life of purity & […]

todayDecember 5, 2019 9


The CRUSADE Channel Celebrates FOUR YEARS! thank YOU!

An open letter to all of our friends, brothers and sisters (bristah's!).   It was 4 years ago today, that the CRUSADE Channel was launched, thanks to many of you, it has survived in a cutthroat marketplace where it seems everyone is a "broadcaster". What started as a special event radio station, Founding Father Films Radio, was renamed and went 24/7/365. We missed all of 16 hours on-air during these […]

todayNovember 11, 2019 5

Fly The PervFriendly Skies


Delta-Fly The PervFriendly Skies-The Mike Church Show-Founders Red Pill Diaries!

Delta-Fly The PervFriendly Skies-The Mike Church Show-Founders Red Pill Diaries! by Mike Church HEADLINE: Delta Air Lines will now show unedited gay sex scenes in movies on its flights by Martin M. Barillas   Delta Air Lines acquiesced to demands from pro-homosexual advocates that it stop censoring explicit homosexual sex scenes from in-flight movies.  What could possibly go wrong here? It is only gonna’ take ONE person, one anger LGBTQ […]

todayNovember 5, 2019 10

UnInvite Boston Mayor Marty Walsh


The Charlestown Knights of Columbus Must UnInvite Boston Mayor Marty Walsh

The Charlestown Knights of Columbus Must UnInvite Boston Mayor Marty Walsh UPDATE: Mayor Walsh has removed from his Twitter the Oct 29th Tweet that was promoting the event, shown below. by Mike Church This morning I interviewed the President of the Catholic Action league of Massachusetts, C. Joseph Doyle who revealed to CRUSADE Channel listeners Boston Mayor Marty Walsh's latest abomination. Listen to the interview here. Below is the letter […]

todayNovember 4, 2019 11


The Feast of The Holy Relics Is The Honor of The Saints

by Mike Church The Catholic Church, having celebrated on November 1st the feast of All Saints and the feast of All Souls, on this day honors all the holy relics of their bodies, which will remain on earth until the day of the last resurrection of the body.  The Council of Trent, Session XXV, declared “Veneration ought to be shown by the faithful to the bodies of the Martyrs and […]

todayNovember 3, 2019 23


Monday Pile of Prep

Slick Hilly Continues To Wage War Against Tulsi Gabbard Claiming She's In Cahoots With Russians!- Today's Pile of Prep Feature and the theme of Today's Mike Church Show! Veritas et Sapientia - "Oh, progressives, if you only had the wisdom to back off, to see your demands as maximalist, extreme, damaging to the fabric, the opposite of live and let live. When you push in this way to control the […]

todayOctober 28, 2019 11


#MAGA!? Restore The Kingship of Christ The King!

#MAGA? Restore The Kingship of Christ The King! by Mike Church Mandeville, LA - The following are my comments delivered before the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass today on the Feast of The Kingship of Christ. To those who say that Christ’s Kingdom is not of this world and, consequently, religion and politics must be separated, Pius addressed these strong words: “It would be a grave error, on the other […]

todayOctober 26, 2019 15

5 Minute MysterieThe Mystery of Lady Elizabeth of Copperfield Hall

Feature Productions

5 Minute Mysteries Episode I – The Mystery of Lady Elizabeth of Copperfield Hall

5 Minute Mysteries Episode I - The Mystery of Lady Elizabeth of Copperfield Hall Written by: Forella de Maria Voiced by: Fiorella de Maria and Michael Augustine. Produced and directed by: Mike Church A horrific murder in the locked parlour of an ancient estate. A victim whose body appears to deteriorate instantaneously. History relates that there was a murder in that very room hundreds of years before – could the […]

todayOctober 25, 2019 13
