
1001 Results / Page 39 of 112



When The Creature From The Black Lagoon Makes Porn That Wins Oscars It’s Officially Over

Mandeville, LA - The Oscar went to a movie that featured a woman having sex with the Creature From the Black Lagoon. This is straight up beastiality says Rod Dreher. Mike corrects saying: "This woman is having sex with a demon that has taken on this form. She is actually having a sex with an incubus."  Plus Gary Oldman’s Oscar 2018 Acceptance Speech for Best Actor in Darkest Hour: To Listen To Or Download […]

todayMarch 14, 2018 1


Noble Beauty, Transcendent Holiness by Peter Kwasniewski

Noble Beauty, Transcendent Holiness: Why the Modern Age Needs the Mass of Ages by: Peter Kwasniewski (this book is autographed by the author Peter Kwasniewski) About the Book: The traditional liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church is a highly formal ritual unfolding in layers of elaborate gesture, rich symbolism, whispered Latin, and ancient plainchants. “Experts” after the Second Vatican Council were convinced that such a ritual was irrelevant to “modern […]

todayMarch 14, 2018 9


Today’s Special: English Reformation Paperback

Read a FREE Chapter from The_English_Reformation! The English Reformation  2nd printing (paperback version) This book has been out of print since 1962, and was NEVER printed or sold in the United States, but NO longer! Edited and Compiled by Mike Church Introduction written by Joseph Pearce Book Description: The English Reformation is quite possibly the most misunderstood and thus misconstrued religious era in human history. The urban legend holds that English […]

todayMarch 13, 2018 11

Founders Corner

The Greatest Gun Rights Video In the History of Gun Rights Videos Is Just More “Rights” Propaganda

Mandeville, LA - OK, 117,000,000 have forwarded, tagged me, guilted me into watching the "greatest defense of the 2nd Amendment in history" video, by Delegate Nick Freitas. I have watched the video and yes, Delegate Freitas is filled with the spirit of the Holy gun, is charismatic and convincing. But there is absolutely NOTHING new in this argument that hasn't been written or said 117,000,000 times before. Are the Democrats duplicitous […]

todayMarch 11, 2018 8


A Rose By Any Other Name…. It’s Rose Sunday, Mid-Point of Lent

Mandeville, LA - Laetare Sunday is so called from the first words of the Introit of today’s Mass, "Laetare Jerusalem" — "Rejoice, O Jerusalem" and marks the mid-point of the season of Lent; the vestments for this day are rose, as they are on Gaudete Sunday in Advent. The day is also called: Dominica de Rosa, Refreshment Sunday, the Sunday of the Five Loaves and Mothering Sunday. Today is also the day […]

todayMarch 11, 2018 24


When The Creature From The Black Lagoon Makes Porn That Wins Oscars It’s Officially Over

Mandeville, LA - The Oscar went to a movie that featured a woman having sex with the Creature From the Black Lagoon. This is straight up beastiality says Rod Dreher. Mike corrects saying: "This woman is having sex with a demon that has taken on this form. She is actually having a sex with an incubus."  Plus Gary Oldman’s Oscar 2018 Acceptance Speech for Best Actor in Darkest Hour: He thanks America for the […]

todayMarch 6, 2018 25
