
1001 Results / Page 77 of 112


Gentleman's Corner

FLASHBACK: In Campaign of 1800, Jefferson Tweeted “You Can Have Adams AND Your Wall of Separation”

Charlottesville, VA, 26 January, Year of Our Lord, 1800 -[r]epublican front runner Thomas J. Jefferson threatened to pull out of Thursday night's Independence Hall/Fox and Hound Tavern debate if Fox's beer-wench Regyn Skelley was not removed from the moderator's panel. Jefferson carrier-pigeoned "It will never happen. Fox will drop Skelly if it means no T.J.. Nobody will watch w/o Jefferson." Fox's head hunter and brewmaster Roger "Golden" Ales retorted via the […]

todayJanuary 26, 2016 3


If You’re Going To Ask “Can Donald Trump Win Over Catholics?” You Might Want To Define “Catholics”

Mandeville, LA - "Gentlemen, I am a Catholic. As far as possible, I go to Mass every day. This [taking a rosary from his pocket] is a rosary. As far as possible, I kneel down and tell these beads every day. If you reject me on account of my religion, I shall thank God that He has spared me the indignity of being your representative." - Hillaire Belloc. Timothy Stanley […]

todayJanuary 26, 2016 6


A Story of Humility of Heart, In Real Life

Mandeville, LA -  I pursue the Grace of Humility in everything I do. Note that I "pursue", I never "attain" because as Augustine says (from my edition of Humility of Heart, available here): “To whatever sublime height of sanctity we may have attained, a fall is always to be feared.” For, as says St Augustine, there is no holiness that cannot be lost through pride alone: “If there be holiness in […]

todayJanuary 21, 2016 14


Remember The Day Skynet Veritas Radio Went Live?

Mandeville, LA - Join us at the ground-level of the Veritas Radio Network's "Radio The Way It Should Be", revolution. Friends, Like the day that Skynet went LIVE! in the Terminator movies, future generations will remember the day Veritas Radio Network went “LIVE” too, but that future requires your assistance. Thanks to some of you we have pulled off the near impossible by filling a 24 hour broadcast day with […]

todayJanuary 8, 2016 11


An Evangelical Convert Accidentally Discovers Actual History & Catholic G.K. Chesterton

Mandeville, LA - I am always encouraged upon discovering that the Catholic Church is actually the Church of First Discovery while it is publicly pilloried as the Church of oppression. I bring this up in discovering 5 years ago that it was impossible to explore the history of Christianity without simultaneously studying the history of the Catholic Church; and say that with certitude, a priori, as The Church established by Christ […]

todayJanuary 4, 2016 3


“Personal Digital Assistants” Fail – Why Not Try Divine Assistance?

Mandeville, LA - WaPo writer Hayley Tsukayama complains that her five digital personal assistants (yes FIVE!) don't deliver the digital utopia that fast paced TV advertisements promise. "It should be a breeze for anyone trying to get themselves organized as part of a New Year's resolution. It should be fantastic. But, if I’m perfectly frank, I’m really no closer to getting anything done." I will wager you a Glorious Mystery […]

todayJanuary 2, 2016 12

Founders Pass

Are You Missing Your Daily Red-Pill of The Mike Church Show!? Click Here to Get It Now!

UPDATE, GET YOUR FOUNDERS RED PILL FIX NOW!: Merry New Year! We have been Distributing The Founding Fathers Red Pill to thousands of Mike Church Show fans for 8 weeks now! Are You Still Receiving Your Daily Dose!? It's On The Veritas Radio Network's Crusade Channel Every Weekday At 08:00 A.M. Central, For Free...Don't Cost Nuthin' WE NEED YOU! Click Here To Join The 24/7 Crusade Channel And Mike Church And Earn The Benefit […]

todayJanuary 2, 2016 19


Merry New Year To All! Gaudium Novus Annus tu Omnis

(Note-this piece was originally published on 1 January, 2015) Mandeville, LA - 2015 2016 is here and may I extend my humble thanks to all of you my dear brothers and sisters. The year that was 2014 was filled with much joy and tribulation. I am thankful more for the tribulation than the joy and hope it is extended into this year. It has been my privilege to know all […]

todayDecember 31, 2015 8
