Founders Corner

58 Results / Page 4 of 7

Plaque from The Earl's Estate

Founders Corner

Earl of Chesterfield: Letters to His Son

Mandeville, LA -For the last 100 years or so, men have ceded their masculine powers both physical and mental to women who are, truth be told, are biologically inferior in both conditions when it comes to raising and grooming the next generation of Gentleman/Statesman. Please note that the preceding does not preclude a strong and necessary female role in young men's lives, quite the contrary, it merely reassigns the roles […]

todayMarch 21, 2013 5

Founders Corner

Thomas Jefferson Inaugural Showed Americans What The Presidency Could Be Under Constitution

Mandeville, LA - While we are watching the wine & cheese soirees dotted with every celebrity on earth celebrating the second inaugural of President Obama, maybe we can reflect on one of those "founding fathers" and what their inaugural sounded like. Namely the Thomas Jefferson inaugural address. Noon, March 04, 1801 Friends & Fellow Citizens, Called upon to undertake the duties of the first Executive office of our country, I […]

todayJanuary 21, 2013 8

Founders Corner

My Response to the Revisionist 2nd Amendment Claims of Samuel Goldman

Mandeville, LA  - So the furious quest to WILL the second Amendment into being something it never was continues this time at The American Conservative with writer Samuel Goldman channeling the  Constructionist Justice Story to validate the 2nd Amendment as universal. "As Sanford Levinson points out in this response, that interpretation is logically coherent but historically implausible. Given America’s mythologized origins in citizen revolt, Levinson suggests, a more convincing reading of […]

todayJanuary 18, 2013 9

Founders Corner

What Did Virginia’s Founding Fathers Really Mean When They Ratified Constitution?

Mandeville, LA - In a post I wrote earlier this week we discussed the fact the not only were the Southern States correct in their assertion of the Constitution as a Compact but nearly the entire PLANET agreed with them-save for that violent, tyrannical mob in New England. My post made its way onto the pages of The Imaginative Conservative website. In the comments that resulted, it was asserted that […]

todayJanuary 11, 2013 8

Founders Corner

John Quincy Adams: Northerners Pioneered The Right of Secession First

Preview from What Lincoln Killed: The Timothy Pickering Story of Northern Secession Mandeville, LA - We have all heard enough perfunctory incriminations hurled at anyone using "the S word" these days: secession. Say it in the wrong company, which unfortunately is most company and you may get a face-full of spittle asserting "the Right of secession". "Why" they confidently bellow "we had a war over that and settled it". Or […]

todayJanuary 2, 2013 16

Founders Corner

Breakthrough Video: Our Out of Scale Leviathan Defies Founding Fathers Design

Mandeville LA - It is with great joy that I (and the ghosts of the Founding Fathers) watched Part I of IV of the Abbeville Institute's groundbreaking video "Is America Too Big"? presented by Professor Donald Livingston and author Kirkpatrick Sale. The video picks up where Livingston's book - ReThinking The American Union - and his radio interviews with Mike Church, left off: adding a visual component to the issue […]

todayDecember 11, 2012 15

Founders Corner

Thomas DiLorenzo: Time’s Rx, More Politics, More Politicians, More Lincoln Worship

Mandeville, LA - Professor DiLorenzo has appeared on the Mike Church show many times, his book "The Real Lincoln" is an excellent reference guide to the REAL Lincoln so many of us know and do not love. I consulted DiLorenzo's work when researching "What Lincoln Killed-EPISODE I". Below is DiLorenzo's inspiring critique of Steven Spielberg's propaganda film about Dishonest Abe and the DeceptiCON Right's infatuation with the American Tyrant-King by […]

todayNovember 1, 2012 6

Founders Corner

Jefferson Informs Congress of Pirates and ASKS Them What To Do

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - I’m putting together a history of the Louisiana Purchase. The reason for it is because so many people are convinced that Jefferson was a hypocrite, and that he did not consult the Constitution and that the Louisiana Purchase was an unconstitutional act, therefore Jefferson was no friend to the Constitution. That is not true. That is not the case. The Louisiana Purchase was a […]

todayOctober 25, 2012 5
