
57 Results / Page 3 of 7



The French Revolution-2014-Mozilla, NBA, American Edition

Mandeville, LA - I am still staring in disbelief at the TV that just broadcast NBA commissioner Adam Silver's announcement that Donald Sterling has been fined $2.5 MILLION and banned for life. What was even more shocking, if that's possible, was Kevin Johnson's grave dance afterward. Saying "THIS is how Americans SHOULD act" because there will be "zero tolerance" for "institutional racism" (which implies it was the NBA that was […]

todayApril 29, 2014 3

Founding Father John Taylor Clip

Book Mike To Speak

Mike Church, Tea Party Express Speech-The Fraud of FEMA And Mary Landrieu

Biloxi MS - Mike took time from his schedule to meet up with new friends at the Tea Party Express as their tour rolled into downtown Biloxi, MS. On the way to introducing MS state senator Chris McDaniel, Mike explained why MS needs McDaniel as a U.S. Senator and used the example of the fraud & corruption perpetrated by FEMA at the behest of LA Senator Mary Landrieu. See Mike's […]

todayApril 24, 2014 9


What If The NSA Was Run By Lex Luthor?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Now we have this revelation today.  Actually, this is two days ago.  The National Security Agency now has the ability -- folks, I just want you to think about this for just a moment.  Just ponder this.  Just pretend for a moment that you’re reading this in a Tom Clancy novel, that it’s not actually happening.  It’s happening in the world of fiction, in […]

todayMarch 24, 2014 9


Srdja Trifkovic – Everything You Wanted To Know About Putin And Crimea But Were Afraid To Ask, Part I

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript –"If we wanted to look for a parallel with Hitler -- and frankly, I’m sick and tired of this Reductio ad Hitlerum.  We seem to be keen on finding the Hitler de jure whenever there’s a crisis, whether it’s Slobodan Milosevic or Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi or Bashar al-Assad.  The Hitler parallel is invoked.  In the case of Ukraine, we actually have a fairly decent […]

todayMarch 13, 2014 19


Thomas Jefferson To Us: Sorry, We Blew It But Here’s Some Pointers, Scuttle the SCOTUS

Mandeville, LA - On Tuesday's SiriusXM radio show I shared this letter with commentary. Jefferson's frame of mind here runs contrary to the "riding off into the sunset, having preserved liberty and prosperity for his countrymen" narrative. Monticello, March 4, 1823 Dear Sir, —I delayed some time the acknowledgment of your welcome letter of December 10th on the common lazy principle of never doing to-day what we can put off […]

todayMarch 12, 2014 3


How The Non-Profits Expand Government by Shooting Lame Ducks

Mandeville, LA- [r]epublican (and listener to the Mike Church Show) Sandi discovers first hand what Mike speaks of when he decries the "non-profits" as "being in on it". The "It" being the revolving door of money that flows to non-profits via Mordor's tax shelter policies (tax codes) that is then used to devise new ways to "reform" or "improve", heck even "expand" the already menacing Leviathan. (editor's note, this piece […]

todayMarch 5, 2014 4

Gentleman's Corner

Jan Brewer Veto-Did This Change The Laws In His Kingdom?

Mandeville, LA  - In the aftermath of Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's veto of SB 1062 An Act for Extending Religious Freedom I offer the following candid observations. Rod Dreher says the culture/political and propaganda war for SSM is over and the Traditional side has lost, get over it. Isn't that a bit like Simon Peter saying the Romans & Pharisees beat Jesus, get over it? You don't "get over" canon or dogma. […]

todayFebruary 26, 2014 10


The Parable of Four Farmers Explains What A State Is For republicans

"This is another interesting point of discussion when we talk about this. Exactly what is a State? Is a State a geographical entity? Well, you could say that you call the State of Georgia, for example, Georgia because of the border it has with Tennessee and South Carolina and Alabama and Florida, which are very well-defined and well-known, but does that make it a State or is that just a […]

todayFebruary 16, 2014 14

Declaration is God


You Say You Wanna Rethink The Union? Consider Secession From Mordor

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – [Mike, mocking] “What’s so big about the big, bad central government?  There are a lot of things bad about it.  One of the things it does is it desensitizes the citizen.  It deprives the citizen of the responsibility of self-government.  No longer does the citizen feel as though he is the citizen soldier who is responsible for he and his.  Now the citizen is […]

todayFebruary 11, 2014 12
