Liberty Institute

184 Results / Page 6 of 21


The Constitution

God & Man At Richmond-A Solution To America’s Constitutional Crisis

An Essay that was to be presented at the 2014, VA GOP, Advance, on solving America's Constitutional Crisis by restoring Subsidiarity ©2014 by Mike Church   he First Amendment owes its existence to Patrick Henry, not James Madison. It was Henry's 1784 bill in the VA Assembly to tax land owners, derisively called a "tithe", to create a fund to operate religious schooling that spurred Madison to author, with a […]

todayMay 29, 2015 8


It’s Official: Senator Rand Paul Is Running For President, DeceptiCONS Strike Back

Mandeville, LA - I score Senator Rand Paul​'s announcement for the Presidency as a 75-80% win for [r]epublicans AND Christians (he called for the protection of religious liberties). We won't come anywhere close to this number again unless Ron Paul​ or Gary Johnson​ decides to run again. Paul has polished his public speaking and does not come off like a demagogue (see any Senator Ted Cruz​ speech) and sounds authentic […]

todayApril 7, 2015 9


Rand Paul: DeceptiCONS Claim Another Soul For Never Ending War

Mandeville, LA - You may not have noticed that Senator Rand Paul signed the GOP letter to the Iranians. I won't speculate on the Reason behind Paul's political posturing here but it can be noted that unlike his father, Senator Paul is not committed to rejecting DeceptiCON foreign policy out of principle any longer (he's even warmed to being a Bibi Netanyahu jingoist). It is becoming clear that Paul's view […]

todayMarch 10, 2015 6


Public Choice Theory Demolishes “Voting” As a Selfless Civic Act

Mandeville, LA - Few subjects can get the average Tea Party/Patriot/Conservative group member's dander up like "voting". Have you ever heard "if you don't vote you don't have the right to complain"? Well what if I vote and my side loses, what good does complaining do me? This is the  thought behind 1986 Nobel Laureate James Buchanan's "Public Choice Theory" that I talked about on this morning's SiriusXM radio show. […]

todayFebruary 13, 2015 9

Project '76

Do You Wanna Build A Snowman? If You’re In Congress You Have No Power (Monroe Veto Message)

Mandeville, LA - In another of the trillions of signs that "conservatives" left the GOP at about the same time Elvis went missing, the GOP opposition to President Obama's $478 BILLION "public works" bill has all the elements we've come to expect and that's the problem: where is the Constitution? Rep Paul Ryan one of the "conservative" usual suspects conceded the "transportation bill" part of Obama's scheme but objects to […]

todayFebruary 2, 2015 4

The Constitution

“A More Perfect Union” Tells Federalist vs Anti-Federalists Story

Mandeville, LA - This well written pamphlet created for the National Archives' celebration of the Constitution's bi-centennial "A More Perfect Union" contains some gems in it such as "Federalists vs Anti-Federalists. I detailed some of this chapter on today's SiriusXM Radio show. I have taken the original work and presented it in digital (.pdf) format for Founders Pass members to download and enjoy. One of the MANY benefits of becoming […]

todayJanuary 27, 2015 18


The Constitution

Madison To Obama: You Don’t Have Power To Fund Community Colleges

Mandeville, LA - In December of 1790, Alexander Hamilton introduced his “Second Report on The Public Credit” which was the plan for Congress to charter the first National Bank. That December, Congressman James Madison insisted that the scheme to create a bank was unconstitutional and began preparing his defense of the statement. Madison would get his chance to instruct his colleagues on the unconstitutionality of the bank in a near […]

todayJanuary 19, 2015 45

Founders Corner

Thomas Jefferson, 1st Annual State of The Union

Mandeville, LA - Below is Thomas Jefferson's first State of the Union message to Congress, note Jefferson's precise detail of the ongoing campaign against the Barbary pirates and his explicit call for CONGRESS to tell him what to do about it and then appropriate the funds needed to do so. Fellow Citizens of the Senate and House of Representatives: It is a circumstance of sincere gratification to me that on […]

todayJanuary 19, 2015 19
