insert_link The Constitution It Is Now ” Conservative ” AND Moral To “Invest” in Government Works!? Mandeville, LA - Scott Galupo at American Conservative has a peculiar piece on their site titled "Government ‘Revel’-ing in Private-Sector Investment". In the post Galupo argues that it is "moral" for government to invest OPM in their pet projetcs from time to time: President Obama is not a closet socialist or cunningly patient radical. What he is—or what he fancies himself—is a neo-Whig. The Henry Clay of the 21st […] todayFebruary 21, 2013 6
insert_link The Constitution 1885 State Of The Union Welcomes Statue of Liberty To New York If you are wondering just what State Of The Union messages USED to look or sound like, here is a perfectly great example of one from 1885 and President Grover Cleveland todayFebruary 12, 2013 6
The Constitution If ANY State is a “Taker” State Then The Union Under Constitution Is At An End Mandeville, LA - By Mike Church - It has been argued of late that should certain Southern States decide to do what the People therein believe is needed to reclaim their liberties that they should be allowed to perform the Act of secession so the world may behold the spectacle of the resulting impoverishment. This claim is made by the Southern states "friends" in Northeastern, Northern and Western States who […] todayJanuary 12, 2013 12
insert_link The Constitution Even The English Knew The Constitution Made Secession Legal Mandeville, LA - Written by Mike Church - A recent temper tantrum made its way onto the editorial pages of the NY Times by Louis Michael Seidman, a man claiming to be a professor of Constitutional Law at Georgetown University titled "Let's Give Up on the Constitution". What Lincoln Killed Preview: President Jefferson Approves of the Northern States Seceding In this dystopian view of the founding of our current union […] todayJanuary 3, 2013 5
insert_link The Constitution Using The 14th Amendment To Nullify Secession Petitions is Preposterous "Can a State which is not a State and not recognized as such by Congress, perform the supreme duty of ratifying an amendment to the fundamental law?" Mandeville, LA - The Christian Science Monitor is all a flutter with their faux facts presented as Constitutional bedrock in "If your side lost the election, time to secede from the Union?" by Mark Guarino. Guarino has swallowed the entire bottle of "indivisible union […] todayNovember 13, 2012 5
insert_link The Constitution The Founding Fathers Made The Presidency For Washington; Letter of Pierce Butler Mandeville, LA - The Founding Fathers Presidential mistake. "My Dear Sir, I am free to acknowledge that [the President's] Powers are full great, and greater than I was disposed to make them. Nor do I believe they would have been so great had not many of the members cast their eyes towards General Washington as President" - Pierce Butler Americans have recently declared the election of 2012 for the Presidency the"most […] todayNovember 5, 2012 6
insert_link Liberty Institute James Madison’s “Remonstrance” on Religious Rights of Man Created the First Amendment Mandeville, LA - There has been ample discussion the past 24 hours as there has been since the dawn of the "Religious Right" in the late 1970's over the purported "Faith Based Constitution" and "Christian Nation" that "HE" erected on these shores. I am guilty of this hyperbole and historic distortion my self, recorded in one passage of "The Road To Independence". Full disclosure, I am a practicing Catholic, a […] todaySeptember 11, 2012 7
Founders Corner John Taylor of Caroline-The Evil Moral principles Of The Government of the Unite States Mandeville, LA - This is the 3rd chapetr of John Taylor's work 'An Inquiry into the Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States" written chiefly as a response to John Adams' "Defence of the Constitutions of The United States". This chapter lays out Taylor's belief that no system of government that ever stray from [r]epublican forms can remain free of corruption. You can listen to Taylor's view […] todayAugust 27, 2012 18
Latest If It Was Not Granted Then it Was Reserved – Why The Lincolnistas Are Wrong Mandeville, LA - Noah Millman posts at the American Conservative Magazine in part: "If the secessionist cause is to be justified in the Declaration’s terms, it must make one of two claims. Either there are no “political bands” of note to dissolve – the Union is a mere compact among sovereign entities, that any party may depart from at will. Or, if those bands are granted to exist, the election […] todayAugust 20, 2012 11
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757