CRUSADE channel Mike Church Show 052416 Seg 1-2-Congratulations Patriots, Welcome To Disgendered Totilataristan aka ‘Muricah Mandeville, LA - The American Imperial Presidency & Totalitarian Kitsch. - The inmates continue running the asylum, and there is no end in sight. Who is to blame for the rise of Trumpzilla? Perhaps it is the people who have wished for an imperial presidency for quite a long time now. This is the logical end result to the maniacal obsession with militarism. Mike reads the title from a piece […] todayMay 24, 2016 5
CRUSADE Shows Modern Wrong World Made Right-Calvin Was Wrong Episode 1 Mandeville, LA - The continuation of our groundbreaking series, demolishing the urban legends and distortions hurled upon the seat of Peter by Luther, Ilyricus, Calvin and other "Reformers", all of which were demolished by S Robert Bellermine. Featuring our Latinist expert, Ryan Grant, translator of most of Bellermine's work on the subject. Don't miss this thrilling and enlightening, weekly history lesson on the early history of the Holy Roman Catholic […] todayMay 12, 2016 3
CRUSADE Shows Modern Wrong World Made Right: Calvin Was Wrong Episode 8 Mandeville, LA - The continuation of our groundbreaking series, demolishing the urban legends and distortions hurled upon the seat of Peter by Luther, Ilyricus, Calvin and other "Reformers", all of which were demolished by S Robert Bellermine. Featuring our Latinist expert, Ryan Grant, translator of most of Bellermine's work on the subject. Don't miss this thrilling and enlightening, weekly history lesson on the early history of the Holy Roman Catholic […] todayMay 11, 2016 8
CRUSADE channel Modern Wrong World Made Right: Calvin Was Wrong Episode-9 Mandeville, LA - The continuation of our groundbreaking series, demolishing the urban legends and distortions hurled upon the seat of Peter by Luther, Ilyricus, Calvin and other "Reformers", all of which were demolished by S Robert Bellermine. Featuring our Latinist expert, Ryan Grant, translator of most of Bellermine's work on the subject. Don't miss this thrilling and enlightening, weekly history lesson on the early history of the Holy Roman Catholic […] todayMay 10, 2016 4
CRUSADE channel The Constitution Hour, Episode 15 -Idaho & The Ice World of Hoth Use The Dreaded Incorporation Doctrine For 2nd Amendment “Rights” Mandeville, LA - The Incorporation Doctrine is ballyhooed and quoted as dogma by nearly every "conservative" and certainly every "liberal" but it is a perversion of the 14th Amendment that gives it life. Kevin demolishes Idaho's government in claiming they need the 2nd Amendment to promote "concealed carry permits". Kevin also explains that the Founding Fathers were not "pompous white farmers" and then explains the 1st Amendment's "Establishment clause" and […] todayMay 5, 2016 6
CRUSADE channel The Constitution Hour Episode 16-The Problem of Ted Cruz’s SuperPACs & Ted’s Promise To Bring Constitutional Lunches Back To Public Schools Mandeville, LA - SuperPACS are those menacing entities that were created by the Citizens United SCOTUS ruling and Kevin Gutzman explains why they're not constitutional then throws in the history of campaign financing. We also learn of Ted Cruz's promise that if elected, his FLOTUS will return hamburgers and french fries to school lunch menus as part of the discharge of the dubious, unconstitutional office of "First Lady". Support the Veritas […] todayMay 5, 2016 6
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757