Pile Of Prep

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Pile Of Prep

22 March, 2012 Pile of Prep

NOT a shockuh: DeNiro cracks racist joke (we can accuse ANYONE of racismfor ANYTHING too!) about Michelle Obama at Obama fundraiser, Gingrichdemands Obama apologizeDerbyshire: The mad, mad, mad, mad world we live in creates millions of jobs foranyone willing to pursue "homosexual justice" whatever that isSalon's Glenn Greenwald's new book "Unequal Justice" gets rave reviews atAmConMag as Greenwald assails the elite ramparts with a vigor worthy of a [r]epublican

todayMarch 22, 2012 10

Pile Of Prep

21 March, 2012 Pile of Prep

NOT a shockuh: DeNiro cracks racist joke (we can accuse ANYONE of racismfor ANYTHING too!) about Michelle Obama at Obama fundraiser, Gingrichdemands Obama apologizeDerbyshire: The mad, mad, mad, mad world we live in creates millions of jobs foranyone willing to pursue "homosexual justice" whatever that isSalon's Glenn Greenwald's new book "Unequal Justice" gets rave reviews atAmConMag as Greenwald assails the elite ramparts with a vigor worthy of a [r]epublican

todayMarch 21, 2012 8

Pile Of Prep

20 March, 2012 Pile of Prep

Obama signs Executive Order conferring on himself ad his agency heads thepower to confiscate, control or enslave anyone or any entity in the U.S. that he may claim is necessary to "preparations for national defense"Last Train to Brokesville - Obama's own budget office drops a dime on hisscheme to bankrupt the entire country inside of ten years - Listen/download the Mike Church Show Band's "Last Train To Brokesville" parody songMark […]

todayMarch 20, 2012 13

Pile Of Prep

19 March, 2012, Pile of Prep

Obama signs Executive Order conferring on himself ad his agency heads thepower to confiscate, control or enslave anyone or any entity in the U.S. that he may claim is necessary to "preparations for national defense"Last Train to Brokesville - Obama's own budget office drops a dime on hisscheme to bankrupt the entire country inside of ten years - Listen/download the Mike Church Show Band's "Last Train To Brokesville" parody songMark […]

todayMarch 19, 2012 23

Pile Of Prep

16 March, 2012 Pile of Prep

Amity Shlaes: Bernanke can pretend but he cannot hide his inflation, causedby the greatest injection of money supply & liquidity in the history of the known universe, when  inflation explodes we are BEYOND doomed NOT a shockuh: St Rick of Tarsus promises vigorous crackdown on internetporn, apparently he has not read Amendment 1 of the U.S. Const whichactually applies here (like it or not)Afghan President Karzai tells Yanks to go home […]

todayMarch 16, 2012 4

Pile Of Prep

15 March, 2012 Pile of Prep

Mish: A home is a depreciating asset and with the Fed's help, the Federalgubbmint devastated the middle class with home ownership fever, a bubble that STILL has not fully burstDid the Sec of Defense REALLY just disarm the entire crowd of U.S. Soldiers he spoke to in Afghanistan!?, Why yes, he did...Schiff: Mike Church is right about high oil prices, the Fed and what is instore for us when they […]

todayMarch 15, 2012 1

Pile Of Prep

13 March, 2012 Pile of Prep

Michelle Obama  - world food policeman at large- is smacked down by 11 year old reporterThe Fed test runs what it calls a "doomsday scenario" but what we affectionately refer to as : REALITYGas prices got game: Dear Leaders poll numbers plummet as gas prices fall

todayMarch 12, 2012 1

Pile Of Prep

12 March, 2012 Pile of Prep

Even the WAR Party is sick & tired of the Afghan War and this poll is taken before the murder spree committed by a U.S. Soldier on Saturday Ron Paul delegates take over county conventions in GA upsetting the Gingrich supporters who thought the meeting was a formality U.S. soldier goes on deadly murder spree, slaying 16 Afghan civilians in 2 villages, including women and children

todayMarch 12, 2012 2

Pile Of Prep

09 March, 2012 Pile of Prep

Ho hum...yawn...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - February was the biggest deficitspending month on record...EVER!!!! zzzzzzzzzzzzyawnnnnnnnn.......ho....hummmmmObama comes clean after GOP Senators coax him into moving to stop an effortto approve Keystone Pipeline without Obama's blessing Guvenuh Ruhmneh should drop the Reagan mythology that supposedly supports hiswar-hawk positions, especially the myths that are simply not true

todayMarch 9, 2012 2
