Pile Of Prep

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Pile Of Prep

09 January, 2012 Pile of Prep

Teach a bureaucrat to regulate fish and he will feed his corrupt family for a lifetime-Obama moves to LIMIT fish catch...NATIONWIDEVIDEO: George Will: Mike Church is correct, the Tea Party could be motivatedby a referendum on big gubbmint "conservatism" starting with the BushadministrationMish: A complete breakdown and analysis of the "encouraging news onunemployment" reveals the headline is a hoax, the unemployment rate is11.6% and total unemployed is 15.2%Steyn: When the […]

todayJanuary 9, 2012 4

Pile Of Prep

06 Januray, 2012, Pile of Prep

You have to be joking, right? The U.S. of Bankruptcy is a mere $25 MILLION away from yet another debt ceiling breaVIDEO: This video is for all the "I LOVE Ron Paul EXCEPT that danged foreign policyKay Bailout Hutchinson is an Exemplar of the DeceptiCON machine and why itso desperately needs control of those juicy, $3.7 TRILLION in federalfunny moneyThe trend of bankrupt DR.s continues and picks up speed as […]

todayJanuary 6, 2012 6

Pile Of Prep

05 January, 2012 Pile of Prep

Henninger in WSJ-Romney is the one dividing GOP and it could cost him and theDeceptiCON base who so loves his "electability" the electionTINO's (Tenther's In Name Only) strike back as Santorum and Huntsmann now join the assault on VA''s constitutional AND Tenth Amendment rights toestablish their own primary rules AmConMag's Daniel McCarthy: The infantile, infotainment media and conservativepoobahs have brought us "the weakest Republican field...ever"VIDEO: "Historian" Gingrich blows American history […]

todayJanuary 5, 2012 7

Pile Of Prep

04 January, 2012 Pile of Prep

Gee, I wonder what ever happened to all that Tea Party rage about the debtceiling, deficits and all that spending? Here are the numbers in blackand white of what the Boehner Congress failed to do or what the PelosiCongress still continues to do in Boehner's name Was the Iowa Caucus REALLY the great desideratum in electoral politics you are being told they are? Ben Swann has answers ZeroHedge stacks up […]

todayJanuary 4, 2012 4

Pile Of Prep

03 January, 2012 Pile of Prep

Andy McCarthy wants to know if Rick Perry is still "Fed Up" with the federal gubbmint shredding the Tenth Amendment while he is suing to have afederal judge incorporate the First Amendment so he can beat VA law andget on their primary ballotAmConMag: Ron Paul is toppling America's political idols and false gods (mywords) and his supporters will never spit out the Founders Red Pill andback the Talk Radio Mafia […]

todayJanuary 3, 2012 2

Pile Of Prep

02 January, 2012 Pile of Prep

VIDEO: Santorum was Mitt Romney's Fan Club chairman 4 years ago and lecturesus that his JOB as a member of Congress was to spend money! VA's AG decides he will NOT intervene in Gingrich and Romney's suits to get on the primary ballotDeceptiCON alert: Steve King warns Iowa dummies that we have yet only begun tospend money we do not have maintaining and expanding our empire aroundthe planetWSJ: Why Ron […]

todayJanuary 2, 2012 8

Pile Of Prep

22 December, 2011 Pile of Prep

Gingrich is heckled at Iowa campaign eventA NEW Low: The Daily Caller invokes Hitler to oppose Ron Paul while proclaiming he has no chance to winRomney is back in lead in Rasmussen Poll in IowaLocal police now have the weapons and training to fight war in our cities LIKE a war

todayDecember 22, 2011 5

Pile Of Prep

21 December, 2011 Pile of Prep

Iowa Governor Branstad: If Ron Paul wins Iowa then Iowa should beignored-Tom Woods wonders how these people want to export democracy tothe rest of the world when they are in denial of it here Medicare and SS will consume 50% of our tax income in 5 years and yet no oneseems willing to say it and stop it - where is the "Occupy AARP"movement? Through doing nothing wrong, nothing illegal and honoring […]

todayDecember 21, 2011 7

Pile Of Prep

20 December, 2011 Pile of Prep

Your daily roundup of campaign 2012 news from NRO shows Romney and Paulrunning 1, 2 in NH, Gingrich smoking the field in SC and Paul ahead inIAIf Republicans want to do something about the NLRB they can just not fund it and tell Obama of their decisionWhy are Evangelicals supporting massive wealth transfers disguised as"welfare" and "aid to the poor"? Because they have bought the line that it is government […]

todayDecember 20, 2011 5
