Veritas et Sapientia

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Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia – Muslims Can Be Classified As “Alien Friends”, Thus, Viriginia Does NOT Have To Import Them-James Madison

Mandeville, LA - [Editor's note: This was originally published on Oct 3, 2018. The following is taken from the famous Virginia Report of 1800-1801 that provided a summery of Virginia's 1798 attempt at a "nullification" of the Alien & Sedition Acts. For further history of this VITAL federal principle and the controversy surrounding it's now, much needed use, see: Reassessing Responses to the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions. New Evidence from the Tennessee and […]

todayOctober 21, 2022 31


Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientiæ- What Conservatism Really Is – Sir Roger Scruton, R.I.P.

Sir Roger Scruton has died of cancer. Scruton was a titan of well-ordered wisdom in a modern sea of pseudo-intellectual sewage. He left us many works to read and learn from but most importantly he lived as an example of Christ's admonition to "be in the world but not of the world." Below is but one of thousands of wise writings from Sir Roger Scuton, requiescat in pace. Conservatism starts […]

todayJanuary 12, 2020 31

Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia – What Does A CRUSADER Knight Look Like? Like This…

What Does A CRUSADER Knight Look Like? Like This... by Mike Church In a world of rainbow flag waving soyboy, anti-christ heathens, real men are needed but in short supply. Dod you have what it takes to be a CRUSADER Knight of The Holyr Rosary with me? Here's what Saint Bernard of Clairvaux says a Knight does with his Saturday. Their hair is worn short, in conformity with the Apostle’s […]

todayNovember 30, 2019 31


Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia -Our Real Friends Are Chosen By God, Not Us

Our Real Friends Are Chosen By God, Not Us! by Mike Church In an age gone mad with fake "friends", "made" by clicking "like" and "love" buttons on computer screens we need reminders that real friends are those God has sent into our lives as he has sent us into theirs to execute His plans. C.S. Lewis, in The Four Loves, penned the most sublime meditation on this matter I've […]

todayNovember 11, 2019 16

Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia – At Lepanto Don John of Austria is Girt & Going Forth

Gilbert Keith Chesterton needs no introduction and his majestic Lepanto is one of his finest poems! White founts falling in the courts of the sun, And the Soldan of Byzantium is smiling as they run; There is laughter like the fountains in that face of all men feared, It stirs the forest darkness, the darkness of his beard, It curls the blood-red crescent, the crescent of his lips, For the […]

todayOctober 7, 2019 10

The Modern World Cannot Be Powered By Windmills

Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia – The Modern World Cannot Be Powered By Windmills

The Modern World Cannot Be Powered By Windmills [So Stop Tilting At Them You Impetuous Brats! - Ed. MC] The Democrat candidates and their supporters want to replace coal and gas backup power plants with batteries, to ensure we have (much more expensive) electricity even when intermittent, weather-dependent wind and sunshine refuse to cooperate with our need for 24/7/365 power for our electricity-based homes, schools, hospitals, factories, businesses, computers, social […]

todaySeptember 24, 2019 9

Mary Is Our Garden

Veritas et Sapientia

August 20th, Saint Bernard Reminds Us That Mary Is Our Garden of Delights!

“Learn, O man, the counsel of God; admire the intentions of Wisdom, the design of love. Before bedewing the whole earth, he saturated the fleece; being to redeem the human race, he heaped up in Mary the entire ransom. O Adam, say no more: ‘The woman whom thou gavest me offered me the forbidden fruit;’ say rather: The woman whom thou gavest me has fed me with a fruit of […]

todayAugust 20, 2019 7


Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia-Our Problem Is The Lunatics Have No Asylum

Mandeville, LA - [Editor's note] After a weekend of horrific gun violence in el Paso, TX and Dayton, OH, our elite ruling masters are now more convinced than ever (yesterday) that this murderous violence is a result of the poisoned fruit that is President Trump's Twitter feed. These "woke" faux defenders of all precious human innocence - save for those innocents quietly gestating in their mother's wombs - are demanding […]

todayAugust 4, 2019 3
