Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

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Red Pill Diaries – Washington Post Being Put Out For All It’s Worth, Look Whose Still Smiling – The Mike Church Show

HEADLINE: BREAKING: Nick Sandmann files $250 million lawsuit against Washington Post by Claire Chretien So this appears to be the first of MANY lawsuits. Let’s also remember it is much easier to prove defamation of character with a minor. Start calling the Left the Anti-Christ. They certainly don’t like it. They don’t like to be outed as not believing in Christ. So the reason they chose $250 million is b/c […]

todayFebruary 20, 2019 4

Daily Clip

Red Pill Diaries – Is TSA Supposed Toss Coins to Pick Genders Now? – The Mike Church Show

Genderless Distinctions - United Airlines started it and other airlines followed suit. United Airlines says passengers will be able to select the gender options “undisclosed” or “unspecified” within the next few weeks. In addition, anyone who doesn’t identify with a traditional gender may choose “Mx.” as their title. How will the TSA determine who gets to do the pat downs? NOW currently they use females for female screening and males […]

todayFebruary 19, 2019 5

Daily Clip

Red Pill Diaries – Time to Rethink the Abortion Question – The Mike Church Show

HEADLINE: Time to Rethink the Abortion Question by Rev. James V. Schall, S.J. We are by now used to the statistics in given countries and in the world of the millions of babies aborted in recent decades: 61 million in the United States since 1973; 1.5 billion in the world since 1980. Many are appalled; others claim this procedure as a “right.”  The modern denial of the natural order is premised […]

todayFebruary 19, 2019 6

Daily Clip

Francis via Martel: Hey Catholic Faithful, Go Homo Or Go Home! – The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, La Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:15 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on www.crusadechannel.com Call the show            844-5CRUSADE 6:18   HEADLINE: Excerpt: 'In the Closet of the Vatican’ by Frederic Martel This is definitely not what I expected. I thought this was going to be an admonishment of the LGBTQ crap in Rome but this was an apology for the homosexual conduct. The […]

todayFebruary 19, 2019 6

Daily Clip

What Young ‘Murican Catholic Boys Can Learn From Young Spanish CRUSADERS!

To Listen To The Full Episode Click HERE HEADLINE: ‘We Are The Resistance’ by Rod Dreher The Battle for Spain - “We are not pessimistic, but realistic. The diagnosis is dark, but we are all mature Catholics, we have reached a certain age, we know our catechism. We know the Lord has already won. The diagnosis might be dark, but the battle is already won. The question is, are you […]

todayFebruary 18, 2019 12

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Red Pill Diaries – New York/New Tenochtitlan Needs a New Political Ratio Before It’s Too Late – The Mike Church Show

HEADLINE: Upstate NY lawmaker proposes dividing New York into 2 states by Geoff Herbert According to 1910 - 7,857 representatives HEADLINE: Good riddance to Amazon's New York swindle by Ryan Cooper “Now it's just up to other cities in America to tell corporations of all kinds to go pound sand when they come begging for tax goodies. If companies want to build something in an American city or town, they […]

todayFebruary 15, 2019 3

Daily Clip

Social Media Isn’t Reality Until You Defame Covington Catholic High Boys, Pumpkin!

HEADLINE: BREAKING: School investigation clears Covington boys of wrongdoing in March for Life standoff by Calvin Freiburger The investigation discovered NO chanting of “Build the Wall”, or making racist statements to Phillips. “The immediate world-wide reaction to the initial video led almost everyone to believe that our students had initiated the incident and the perception of those few minutes of video became reality.” He did not reference the Diocese’s own […]

todayFebruary 14, 2019 9

Daily Clip

Red Pill Diaries – High Time We Talk About This Debt – The Mike Church Show

HEADLINE: National debt tops $22 trillion for the first time as experts warn of ripple effects by Michael Collins $222 Trillion in 2012 - this number includes Medi-care, Social Security, Retirement funds, pensions etc. Who in their right mind is still buying treasuries? Remember in the movie Idiocracy? They had $20,000 bills and $10,000 bills. What is YOUR share of the National Debt? ANSWER: $66,998 PER PERSON

todayFebruary 13, 2019 6

Daily Clip

The Commies Invented Daycare That ‘Muricah’s Useful, AOC Idiots Want Made “Universal” – The Mike Church Show

HEADLINE: In Soviet Union, Day Care Is the Norm by Hedrick Smith The Original Universal Daycare = Stay At Home Moms The Greek term that means economics of the home. “The vast majority of Soviet families require the salary of a working wife to make ends meet. Repeatedly, Soviet citizens express astonishment when they learn that an American father can support a family of two, three or four children without […]

todayFebruary 12, 2019 12
