Red Pill Diaries – Almost at Rock Bottom Let’s Stay Progressive – The Mike Church Show
HEADLINE: The Progressive Race to the Bottom by Victor Davis Hanson When you have ‘floating’ morality.
HEADLINE: The Progressive Race to the Bottom by Victor Davis Hanson When you have ‘floating’ morality.
AUDIO/VIDEO: Fox News Cardinal Timothy Dolan speaks about abortion in NY. Why can’t it be important that BOTH entities are important? Why is it ghoulish? Because it is MURDER! To say it doesn’t matter that Cuomo is Catholic, YES IT DOES!!! Again, extra ecclasia nulla salus, if Cuomocoaty'l is outside the Church he is outside of salvation - does not the salvation of souls under his care matter!? Condemn his […]
Caller Ashley from Tampa - Byzantine Rite of the Catholic Church
Mike reads the Official Covington Diocese Press Release: I think this kid should get a “Peace Medal” Who has that kind of restraint? I know I don’t. HEADLINE: Covington Catholic student from incident at the Indigenous Peoples March issues statement with his side of the story by Scott Warman
HEADLINE: Is it mere coincidence that a serpent came ashore in snake-free but no longer abortion-free Ireland? by K.V. Turley “The fact that a snake made its way ashore onto Irish soil once more is not, therefore, to be seen as just another zoological phenomenon. It may be read as also a symbolic one, coming at a time when Ireland is turning away from the light and naively embracing an […]
Mandeville, La Father Razzi of the Camaldolese order, relates that a young man of the name of John, on the death of his father was sent to court of a prince. His mother who had a tender devotion towards Mary, before bidding him farewell, made him promise that he would everyday say the 'Hail Mary.'
To Listen To Or Download This Entire Episode of the Mike Church Show Click HERE LIVE THEATRE - Mike and Kevin read lines LIVE on air. (page 8) Father Brown (Kevin O’Brien) and Sherlock Holmes (Mike Church) The author was pleased with our production and dramatization of this so that is saying a great deal! - the only attitude toward life that makes any sense.
To Listen To Or Download The Full Episode Click HERE HEADLINE: Filthy Lucre: The UK’s Abortion Industry by K.V. Turley The Pro-Life movement has been a failure. The reason it is failing is because it is not using the highest authority….GOD. GOD said thou shalt not kill, GOD said thou shalt not steal….see where I am going with this? Instead we chose to use the creations of man, government […]
Mandeville, La How can any ‘Catholic’ write hit pieces on other devout Catholics? Looks like Wuerl and Dolan knew about McCarrick in 2004! All this while Pope Francis is lecturing the laity and clergy on becoming too obsessed.