Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

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Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Parrott Talk-The Great Noticing

PREVIEW OF TODAY'S PARROT TALK. FOR THE FULL EPISODE SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES. The people are noticing the bull pence spewed by the elites. The Israeli crisis was finally the catalyst for the people to realize that maybe the media, the politicians and other talking heads are spreading lies. Cancel culture could only go for so long before people got fed up, and it appears that time is coming.  Conservative talking […]

todayNovember 17, 2023 52

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

The Christians Strike Back

The feud between Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro has come to a boil.  According to Candace, Shapiro has opposed everything she stands for.  They do not have the same opinion about big pharma, the vaccine and other conservative issues.  Their feud was contained within the "halls" of the Daily Wire. That was until Hamas "surprised Israel in October. Now Candace refuses to support genocide, and Shapiro has gone on the […]

todayNovember 17, 2023 31

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Parrott Talk- Oops They Stepped In It Again

PREVIEW OF TODAY'S PARROT TALK. FOR THE FULL EPISODE SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES. Marc Lamont Hill called out former Israeli Ambassador David Friedman for the misinformation regarding Israel's genocide of Palestinians. Friedman claims the hospital destroyed by the IDF was in fact the headquarters for Hamas.  Friedman said that this a proven fact. However, when Hill pressed Friedman for the evidence, the former ambassador resorted to the tried and true Demoncrat […]

todayNovember 16, 2023 26

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Muricans And Their Lethal Fads: Have We Reached Peak Zionism Yet?

Americans today support their latest outrage with some rather lethal fads, from changing their profile pictures to support a foreign country to participation in idiotic challenges. Three months ago it was all about standing with Ukraine, but now that Israel is threatened it's time to switch from the Ukrainian flag to the flag of Israel.  Mike Church exposes these fads but when it comes to Israel, he asks have we […]

todayNovember 15, 2023 28

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Parrott Talk-Anonymity Is A Threat To National Security

PREVIEW OF TODAY'S PARROT TALK. FOR THE FULL EPISODE SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES A risk to national security is the miracle probable cause for politicians, government officials and federal law enforcement.  For instance, if you buy the wrong kind of shampoo you just might be a threat to national security.  Oppose the school board and you are a risk to national security.  Presidential hopeful Nikki Haley added a new threat to […]

todayNovember 15, 2023 23

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

It’s Open Season On White Kids So…Let’s Go To War For Israel!

A seventeen-year-old was beaten to death by a pack of bullies in Las Vegas.  Witnesses said the teen was pushed into a fence and punched several times because he defended his friend who was thrown into a trash can. This a common occurrence across the country, and the school systems are too yellow bellied to stop them. If you as a parent try to complain will be labeled as a […]

todayNovember 14, 2023 33

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Parrott Talk- The Dangerous Philosophy Of The Christian Zionist

PREVIEW OF TODAY'S PARROT TALK. FOR THE FULL EPISODE SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES. The Christian Zionist philosophy and the Christian protestants who believe it are dangerous.  The Zionists are blood thirsty, they are for war and genocide, but their belief that America was chosen for the end times is the most dangerous part of their philosophy. They will not stop until they achieve their goals, and Mike Parrott says Catholics and […]

todayNovember 14, 2023 31

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Parrott Talk-Canceled By The Pope

PREVIEW OF TODAY'S PARROT TALK. FOR THE FULL EPISODE SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES.  The feud between the Pope Francis and Bishop Joseph  Strickland has escalated. Over the weekend, the Pope removed Bishop Strickland as the bishop of Tyler, Texas.  The Pope sited Strickland's poor administration skills as his reason to relieve the bishop of his duties.  Mike Parrott does not believe the Pope's reason.  Mike will reveal what led to this […]

todayNovember 14, 2023 19
