insert_link CRUSADER Cocktails Cookin’ With The KingDude: Franco’s Bloody Mary Mix! Mandeville, LA - Why do I call this Franco's Bloody Mary? Well, the story involves a first cousin of mine who earned the nickname "Franco", details of which I will spare you to maintain our "G" rating. While working at Friend's Restaurant in the summers of 1994-5 we developed this (yep, I tended bar to make ends meet early in my radio vocation) and at one point had an investor […] todayMay 18, 2020 19
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Friday Red Pill Diaries- If You’re A Corona, Body-Snatcher Snitch, You’re An Enemy! Friday Red Pill Diaries- If You're A Corona, Body-Snatcher Snitch, You're An Enemy! AUDIO: Dr. Fauci on CNN back when the SwineFlu was running rampant Should people be wearing surgical masks to protect themselves. When you are in the middle of an outbreak it isn’t providing the perfect protection they think. Don't be a Body-Snatcher Snitch! HEADLINE: The Truth Vindicated: Wearing A Surgical Mask Does 0.0 For Heath But Is […] todayMay 15, 2020 9
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Thursday Red Pill Diaries-Time To Withdraw Consent For Phase II of The CoronaHoax™ Thursday Red Pill Diaries-Time To Withdraw Consent For Phase II of The CoronaHoax™ HEADLINE: The Plandemic Facial Mask Issue by Gary G. Kohls, MD 1. Cause hypoxia in some patients 2. Cause hypercapnia in those same patients 3. Impair one’s immunity; harmful respiratory viruses 4. Increase the concentration of potentially-harmful viruses in the nasal passages Wearing a mask in public - are stores requiring it near you? If you feed […] todayMay 14, 2020 7
Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Wednesday Red Pill Diaries-Our Oligarch Masters Aren’t Smart Enough To Give Us “Smart” Things But They Have Have Evil Help That Can! Wednesday Red Pill Diaries-Our Oligarch Masters Aren't Smart Enough To Give Us "Smart" Things But They Have Have Evil Help That Can! HEADLINE: The ‘Demonic’ Source Of Our Global Fear, And The Lesson Liberty-Loving People Must Remember About Our ‘Hostile Government’ by Christopher Bedford Monsignor Charles Pope: “What human being could possibly organize such a gripping fear that would make people surrender liberties and hunker down and really fear what […] todayMay 13, 2020 5
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Tuesday Red Pill Diaries-This Is No Surprise: The ObamaGate-CoronaHoax™ Are Connected! Tuesday Red Pill Diaries-This Is No Surprise: The ObamaGate-CoronaHoax™ Are Connected! AUDIO - Tucker Carlson It only makes sense that when you throw the Gates, Clintons and the Rockefeller Foundation in there, you wonder…what did they know and when did they know it? Hillary and Obama were behind this FRAME job of General Flynn. ObamaGate - CoronaHoax are connected! The Clintons have maintained their grasp on power. BIOGRAPHY Mike Church […] todayMay 12, 2020 4
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Monday Red Pill Diaries- Apocalypse Rising: The Satanic Force Behind The CoronaHoax™ Apocalypse Rising: The Satanic Force Behind The CoronaHoax™ AUDIO/VIDEO: Brian Rose interviews David Icke III Supernatural non-human force controlling these events here. He dances around the issue w/o saying demons. It isn’t possible for human beings to coordinate all of this. Apocalypse Rising BIOGRAPHY Mike Church Biography – “Too Catholic For Satellite Radio” In May of 2015, Chris Ferrara wrote a bio pic essay on a talk-radio host who was then […] todayMay 11, 2020 6
insert_link Latest Cookin’ With The KingDude, Episode 4: Making The Kentucky Mule Cocktail! Cookin' With The KingDude Episode IV - The Kentucky Mule From CRUSADE Channel's Actin' All Crusader-y Blog! Join Mike Church for the history of the Moscow Mule Cocktail and then a fun tutorial on how to make the drink and enjoy it with friends and family! Now enjoy the Kentucky Mule Cocktail! H/T to Bartender Bootcamp for the history lesson! Ingredients List 2 ounces Elijah Craig Bourbon 1 oz Torbanado […] todayMay 11, 2020 14
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Friday Red Pill Diaries- Stop Masking That Man! Patriots Must Prepare For Civil Disobedience To CoronaHoax™ Friday Red Pill Diaries- Stop Masking That Man! Patriots Must Prepare For Civil Disobedience To CoronaHoax™ The New Normal - These Governors continue to run their states like #TinyTyrants. The ultimate goal here is mail in ballots. They want to do anything they can to take this election from Trump. That is all this is. Must be prepared for civil disobedience AUDIO/VIDEO: #BrownShirtBrad - turns in the ice cream man […] todayMay 8, 2020 3
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Thursday Red Pill Diaries-Unelected, #NeverTrump, Medical Bureaucrats Are Implementing The Cabal’s Plan To Crush Middle Class Businesses Thursday Red Pill Diaries-Unelected, #NeverTrump, Medical Bureaucrats Are Implementing The Cabal's Plan To Crush Middle Class Businesses AUDIO: Ventura County, CA Health Department “We can no longer allow people w/ COVID to remain in homes w/ only 1 bathroom.” How can he do this? Medical Bureaucrats are crushing small business DAILY home checks? What is going on here? Does he know something we don’t know? Only a living thing can […] todayMay 7, 2020 4
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1740