insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Friday-Red Pill Diaries-Why Are Gal-Queda Women Shrieking With Schumer? Because LIFE Is Winning! AUDIO: Actress Busy Phillips at ProChoice rally - “I have what I have b/c I had an abortion at the age of 15.” AUDIO: Ayanna Pressley - we have 2 alleged sexual predators sitting in the Supreme Court. Crusader Stadium - If THIS is what women have become, we should see a MASSIVE increase in the vocation of Priesthood. So what is actually going on here? Demons have preternatural knowledge […] todayMarch 6, 2020 9
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Thursday-Red Pill Diaries- Deomoncrats To SCOTUS: Infanticide Continues Or The “Whirlwind” Will Make You Pay! AUDIO: Chuck Schumer - You have released the whirlwind. Here we say “you have released the demons” Mittus Chur Tweet: Okay @amconmag you have officially lost me as a reader. Today's headlines: Trump: Public Health Menace, Trump's Arms Control Charade, How Trump's Ob-Sessions Could Cost Him. Just change your name already to the #NeverTrumpMag todayMarch 5, 2020 6
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Wednesday-Red Pill Diaries-Creepy Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday Rout Wasn’t a “Comeback”, It Was A Coup! HEADLINE: Democrats Are Learning The Wrong Lesson From 2016 GOP Primary by Molly Hemingway “It’s absolutely true that the Democratic establishment figured out that a smaller field would help them get their preferred candidate. Who knows what sorcery and secret deals were made to get two viable candidates to leave the field prematurely.” todayMarch 4, 2020 4
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Tuesday-Red Pill Diaries-Super Tuesday Is May Day For ‘Muricah Hating Socialists! todayMarch 3, 2020 3
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Monday-Red Pill Diaries-No, Chesterton & Belloc Are NOT Socialists, But There Are Plenty of Them Running For President! AUDIO/VIDEO: G.K Chesterton archive, University of Notre Dame I take great offense to those Catholics out there spouting out G.K. Chesterton was a socialist. It is straight up libel. He wasn’t a socialist and didn’t promote socialism. If you can be wrong on something as large & importance as this, what else can you be wrong about? This is a big one. This is simply someone NOT doing their Due […] todayMarch 2, 2020 4
insert_link Latest Friday-Red Pill Diaries-Chivalrous Knights Practice Manners and Morals At Home and In Public MANNERS AND MORALS - Charity is always about serving others. Custody of the eyes. todayFebruary 28, 2020 2
Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Mike Church Show CLASSICS-The Parable of The Knights of Dude! EDITOR'S NOTE: Originally broadcast on 10 July, 2012, on The Mike Church Show on SiriusXM Patriot Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - Please don’t say "nobody" or "no one". You’re talking about semantical arguments, the nomenclature of “The One,” that being, of course, President Obama -- he is, of course, “The One” -- and the way that he uses the words. This is very common amongst liberals, to […] todayFebruary 28, 2020 10
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts The Parable of the Knights of Dude EDITOR'S NOTE: Originally broadcast on 10 July, 2012, on The Mike Church Show on SiriusXM Patriot Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - Please don’t say "nobody" or "no one". You’re talking about semantical arguments, the nomenclature of “The One,” that being, of course, President Obama -- he is, of course, “The One” -- and the way that he uses the words. This is very common amongst liberals, to […] todayFebruary 28, 2020 30
insert_link Latest Thursday-Red Pill Diaries-The #Demoncrat Party of Infanticide Has Left All Trace of Christianity Behind, Time For You To Leave It! HEADLINE: CNN Report Describes A Baby Who Survives An Abortion As A ‘Fetus That Was Born’ by Mary Margaret Olohan AUDIO: Senator Ben Sasse on Senate floor calls out the 44 Democrats that are going to filibuster the Born-Alive Act. Babylon Bee Satire Site - Nation's Bernie Supporters Frantically Cobble Together Makeshift Rafts To Paddle To Utopian Cuba The Born-Alive bill failed to advance by a vote of 56 to […] todayFebruary 27, 2020 9
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1740