The Mike Church Show

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CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 071216 Seg 1-2: Murders In The Street– Coming To A Neighborhood Near You!

Mandeville, LA - Patrick J. Buchanan has a piece out on the Black Lives Matter movement. Have you checked out the BLM website? It was enough to make Mike call his (young, white) daughters and tell them not to drive into the heart of New Orleans for fear of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. These shootings and the corresponding protests will continue to escalate. Certainly you […]

todayJuly 12, 2016 3

CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 071216 Seg 3-4-White, Hillbilly Heretics, A Self Inflicted Wound

Mandeville, LA - Last Wisdom Wednesday's guest, J.D. Vance's book "Hillbilly Elegy" is out and there are some pugnacious, unfiltered Truth's in it about the heretical, pathetic state of white. middle class 'Muricah that the Talk radio Mafia and Media industrial Complex Press will not bring up and discuss. And that's why you have the Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel. Mike begins his breakdown of the ultimate causes of […]

todayJuly 12, 2016 6

CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 071116 Seg 1-2: Grendel Had No Consideration For Souls, Why Should We?

Mandeville, LA - The modus operandi of the recent shootings in Florida, San Bernardino, Dallas, etc. has been the same. Just like in a video game: weapons are acquired, hatred is acquired, then action is taken against fellow human beings. There is no consideration for the soul. Q: What is the question nobody is asking about all the recent shooting atrocities?   A: What is the ultimate cause here? The actual […]

todayJuly 11, 2016 5

CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 071116 Seg 3-4: All Souls Matter

Mandeville, LA - Professor Mark Armitage in California found soft tissue found on a dinosaur bone. He is now suing the university that fired him after this discovery. If the theory of evolution is correct, the dinosaur should have died 165 million years ago; the dinosaur's soft tissue would be long gone if that were true. In more use you can use, a federal court has ruled that sharing your Netflix password […]

todayJuly 11, 2016 5

CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 070816 Seg 3-4: Wake Up And Smell The Sulfur. Martyrdom Is On Deck

Mandeville, LA -We are in the midst of a great apostasy. What comes next is martyrdom. Continuing the theme from the first part of the show, Mike shares a piece by Carl Trueman on First Things: Trouble In Bakersfield. Trueman is a friend of Rev. Chad Vegas, the pastor who is withdrawing himself from the school board in California he was elected to serve on. Trueman ends his piece: "…it […]

todayJuly 8, 2016 4

CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 070716 Seg 1-2: Minnesota And Baton Rouge Shootings: We’re All Culpable

Mandeville, LA - Did you hear about the police shooting in Minnesota yesterday? What about the shooting in Baton Rouge? These shootings aren't happening in Venezuela, Istanbul, or Brazil; they're happening in 'Muricah! You can't say we aren't all somewhat culpable. There is law, and there is order. They are not the same thing. You can have law to assist with the order, but it is the order that assists in […]

todayJuly 7, 2016

CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 070716 Seg 3-4: The Silence Of The Scammed

Mandeville, LA - Mike reads from Pete Spiliakos, To Save Religious Liberty, Focus On Media Ecology. An excerpt: "David French is right to argue that evangelical Christians (and all supporters of religious liberty) will have to fight for their liberties or lose them. French’s argument for public protest is sound, but alongside his suggestions, perhaps we should consider how social conservatives have been fighting ineffectively. Perhaps our worst defeats are […]

todayJuly 7, 2016 1

CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 070616 3-4: Independence Requires Dependence On The Order Of Christendom

Mandeville, LA - David Simpson joins the show for Wisdom Wednesday. Among the topics of discussion are war movie titles, Forrest McDonald's piece discussed in the first hour of the show today, and Iowa churches being given regulations regarding the requirement for transgender bathrooms. The message of the first hour is reiterated: individual independence only comes with dependence on the order of Christendom! Government can't help the people who require […]

todayJuly 6, 2016 7
