The Mike Church Show

2675 Results / Page 290 of 298


CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 070616 1-2: Whatever The Winning Side Says Is True, And The Sheeple Continue To Believe It.

Mandeville, LA - People were more free in the nineteenth century than they are now. We are not pursuing independence anymore; we're like a bunch of lemmings! People have become so infected with Sheeple-ism that they have lost the desire to think any longer. A piece by Forrest McDonald is read: The First Function of Founders of Nations. The piece highlights Mike's observation of the lack of deliberate reflection and […]

todayJuly 6, 2016

CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 063016 1-2

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church steps back over 270 years in history on the Declaration of Independence. We look back at how the Founding Fathers gathered together with the hope to separate themselves from England. The real story of the Declaration of Independence has been lost for most but not at the Veritas Radio Network, Mike Church talks about the struggles the Founding Fathers under went to great such a document. […]

todayJune 30, 2016 6

CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 063016 3-4

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church previews what's coming up on Independence Day 2016. Lesbians taking over the Miss America Pageants, Miss Slut USA. What in the heck is this world coming to or already there? Diabolical phantoms are dancing in the streets tempting all of us to do things that make us "feel good." Get ready folks, we're in for a wild ride. Support the Veritas Radio Network and the CRUSADE […]

todayJune 30, 2016 4

CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 062816 1-2-The Lethal Tyranny of The SCOTUS SHould Compel Massive Acts of Secession From The #AU

Mandeville, LA - If the Texans don't secede after the SCOTUS orders them to give women full access to abortuaries then WHAT WOULD inspire them!? Mike makes the case that for any of us to remain in union with the SCOTUS and the government that gives it power is an abomination that will all be held accountable for. So Texas, it's time for #TEXIT out of the #AU. Support the Veritas […]

todayJune 28, 2016 6

CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 062816 3-4-Progressives Win Because They Offer Better Bribes Than Fake Conservatives

Mandeville, LA - Progressivism is ascendant and always wins because the prizes it offers for its adherents, Olive Garden and Regal Cinema types love: streaming porn, no worry abortions, government funded contraceptions, poshly funded studies of 3 legged monkeys with cocaine habits, no fault divorce for the 5 time married and absolution from the sin of Christian Orthodoxy. Alexander Salter's piece at the Imaginative Conservative site helps Mike with the narrative […]

todayJune 28, 2016 5

CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 062716 3-4: If The Brits Can Do It, Why Can’t Texas?

Mandeville, LA - If this doesn't cause the state of Texas to secede, what will? The SCOTUS reversed a Texas pro-life law requiring abortion clinics meet more rigorous standards and abortionists to have admitting privileges at hospitals. Folks, we do not deserve to exist as a union of states that legalizes the practice of taking innocent human life. How does a union continue to permit this?? Q: How did this […]

todayJune 27, 2016 4

CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 062716 1-2: Establishment Elites In The EU And AU Are In A Panic

Mandeville, LA - The political, criminal class in Great Britain and the EU is in a panic after the Brexit vote; they are scared for the first time in their adult lives! Mike expounds on the topic. If the Brits can do it, why can't we (in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, etc.)? The idea that the sky is falling because of the Brexit vote is entirely false. Think about it: even in 117AD […]

todayJune 27, 2016 4

CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 062416 3-4-Brexit Vote Was Driven By Our Bombing of Brown People in Mid-East

Mandeville, LA - With special guest, LIVE from the U.K. Laurie Calhoun  of  "We Kill Because We Can" fame. Laurie makes the point that the refugee crisis driving the Brexit vote wouldn't exist if the U.K. and their American co-conspirators would stop bombing the mid-eastern people out of their homes! Brexit, Stage [r]ight! Mike explains that the British Brexit vote to leave the sinister Eurocrat scheme is an ironic rejection of "democracy", […]

todayJune 24, 2016 3

CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 062416 1-2-Brexit Confounds The Blobists, European AND ‘Murican

Mandeville, LA - Brexit, Stage [r]ight! Mike explains that the British Brexit vote to leave the sinister Eurocrat scheme is an ironic rejection of "democracy", confounding he Blobists on both continents. There are two forces that can control the affairs of men: internal and external, the secular forms of populist government employs the latter and for 500 years it has gnawed away at Christian Man's civility. That is what the Brexit […]

todayJune 24, 2016 3
