The Mike Church Show

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CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 062316 Seg 3-4: The Fantastical Hypothetical Will Never Happen- Even With A Brexit

Mandeville, LA - Returning from the break and discussion with Scott McConnell of AmConMag, Mike moves to a piece found on the website One Peter Five, "Who Told You That Your Worth is Less than what God Tells You it is?".   You don't see things like this published today; a grown woman's perspective of her mother's divorce and subsequent cooperation in sin after years of estrangement: Bitterly, angrily, and mournfully […]

todayJune 23, 2016 6

CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 062316 Seg 1-2: Human Sacrifice Now Playing At The Paradise Theater

Mandeville, LA - Obama has declared that churches in California must fund abortions-- WHAT?  Californians now have the DUTY to practice & perform civil disobedience.  Speaking of abortion, how about that Libertarian Town Hall last night?  Way to go, Gov. Gary Johnson; you're really no different than the diabolical baby-killer Mrs. Clinton!  Mike poses a question about the D&E abortion procedure, then shares graphic details provided by  This is as vile a procedure as man has […]

todayJune 23, 2016 2

CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show Presents: The Life & Times Of St John Fisher

Mandeville, LA - If you missed our special afternoon drive edition of the Mike Church Show's commemoration of The Life and Times of St John Fisher whose feast day is today (June 22nd) you missed a full blown audio bio of the revered and reverent Saint/martyr for The Faith. Our Founders Pass members can view the video and download the audio right here. Not a Founders Pass member!? Support the Veritas […]

todayJune 23, 2016 1

Mike Church

Mike Church Show PM Drive Edition! The Life & Times of St John Fisher

Mandeville, LA - If you missed our special afternoon drive edition of the Mike Church Show's commemoration of The Life and Times of St John Fisher whose feast day is today (June 22nd) you missed a full blown audio and video bio pic of the revered and reverent Saint/martyr for The Faith. Our Founders Pass members can view the video and download the audio right here. Not a Founders Pass […]

todayJune 22, 2016 3

CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 062216 1-2: Rules Of Biology And Natural Order Don’t Exist In This Oregon Courtroom

Mandeville, LA - How can an Oregon court of law settle a matter that is biological in nature?  That is what's been done; Jamie Shupe is now, legally, "non-binary".  Can a court tell us what proteins are present in cells?  Can a court rule on the DNA inside of a certain bacterium?  Can a legal proclamation change your biology?  NO.  Why go to court, then?  Because there is an agenda.  […]

todayJune 22, 2016 8

CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 062116 1-2: Nothing On Earth Is The Equal Of The US Federal Leviathan; He Is King Over All The Children Of Pride

Mandeville, LA - Did you know that there are AT LEAST twenty-two million people who work for the monstrosity known as the US Federal Government?  Mark Kreslins brought up this point in his show earlier in the day, and Mike continues on the topic with a monologue on the federal parasites.  This is what's known as misallocating resources!   Is that the proper way to manage resources? NO.  This system enables […]

todayJune 21, 2016 1

CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 062116 3-4: The Monks Of The Parasitian Order Appreciate Your Continued Conformity

Mandeville, LA - Parisite= ˈperəˌsīt/ noun: parasite; plural noun: parasites an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense. A person who habitually relies on or exploits others and gives nothing in return. Parisitian= ˈperəˌsīt/shun noun: parasite; plural noun: parasitians A person who habitually relies on or exploits others through his employment with a parasitic government and membership in It's Civil Religious order […]

todayJune 21, 2016 4

CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 062016 3-4: We Are Conditioning Men To Be Limp-Wristed, Women To Be Assassins, And Children To Be Queer. Way To Go, ‘Muricah!

Mandeville, LA - Mike clarifies a point made earlier in the show, then reads from Rod Dreher. We are being nudged in the workplace to embrace homosexuality. What is happening today is a full-scale assault on what grace remains today.   How long before we fold like the proverbial accordion? We will be made to conform. God is in Heaven saying, 'It saddens my heart to inform you that your corrupt, […]

todayJune 20, 2016 2

CRUSADE channel

The Mike Church Show 062016 1-2: The ‘Murican Sheeple Don’t Want Brexit– They Want Pabst Blue Ribbon Formal Wear

Mandeville, LA - Will reason win out over emotion? There is no reason why the UK would NOT leave the EU. Why is it that the conversations that need to be happening on Brexit are only happening in closed quarters? Fox is well on its way to ruining the game of golf. No more is golf classy, presented with decorum, as if it is an event that matters. Is it in decline […]

todayJune 20, 2016 1
