The Mike Church Show

2675 Results / Page 293 of 298


CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 060316 Seg 1-2: Faith Is Now Just Another Flavor Of Ice Cream

Mandeville, LA - Yet another public high school has found controversy with Christianity.  This time, public prayer at a graduation has become a point of contention.  As pointed out in his piece here, Mike notes: Instead of "risking" burning the tender ears of heretics, apostates and the obsessed, a Pottsgrove PA High School will ban, a priori, a benediction prayer before the graduation ceremony because ONE parent was offended by the […]

todayJune 3, 2016 2

CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 060216 Seg 1-2: We The People Have Caused This. Is It Worth Defending?

Mandeville, LA - Two weeks ago, the Obama edict requiring transgender bathrooms came down.  What has Texas done about it?  What has North Carolina done about it? What has Louisiana and Georgia and Tennessee done about it?  Nothing.  The Republican parties of these states are full of cowards. The state of Louisiana has laws that are not in conformity to the magisterial law and teaching of Almighty God.  Do we […]

todayJune 2, 2016 2

CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 060116 Seg 3-4-Truman Could Have Tested The Bomb On a Japanese Forest and Mortified The Japanese Into Surrenduring

Mandeville, LA - A continuation of the previous segment with new guest, our Latinist and CRUSADE All-Star Ryan Grant. Ryan's scholarship of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki plus the English and American bombing in Germany at war's end is impeccable and never before heard on "mainstream media". You do NOT want to miss this Episode of the Mike Church Show! Episode IV features our bi-weekly conversation with Our Man […]

todayJune 1, 2016 3

CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 060116 Seg 1-2: Archbishop Sheen– Hiroshima’s Bombing Was ‘Muricah’s Moral Turning Point

Mandeville, LA - Last week, President Obama gave a speech in Japan; the immediate response from "conservatives" was to the tune of 'Oh, Obama's on another apology tour…'.  The maniacal deceptiCons piled it on thick.  But, let's look at the logic of this.  Was the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki moral??  It was NOT okay.  Although not an apologist for Obama, Mike wants you to know: this most diabolical of baby […]

todayJune 1, 2016 2

CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 052616 Seg 3-4: History Is Sobering Because It Should Inform Our Future

Mandeville, LA - Mike shares the current status of the Veritas Radio Network, thanking those who have helped since its inception.  Host of The Flow, Kurt Wallace, calls in to share details on tomorrow's episode of his show.  Julie Borowski is his guest. Mike provides the Memorial Day war movie list, curated by listeners.  Maybe we ought to give divinity a chance.  History is sobering because it can and should inform […]

todayMay 26, 2016 4

CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 052616 Seg 1-2: This ‘Murican Republic Can’t Be Saved

Mandeville, LA -  IT IS OVER. The average member of conservativeDumb would recommend a war movie with the theme of "war, war, war -- kill, kill, kill!".  Mike asks listeners to suggest Just War movie selections.  Mike's choice for a Memorial Day movie is 'Kelly's Heroes'.  There is no chance that the republic can be saved.  There is no possibility that the 'Murican government, as it is perched on the […]

todayMay 26, 2016 5

CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 052516 Seg 3-4: They Want To Do Away With Our Faith and This Time It’s NOT Obama’s Fault

Mandeville, LA - David Simpson is in Studio D for Wisdom Wednesday!  Caller Chris in Tennessee wonders whether he should prepare for riots such as was seen in New Mexico at a Trump rally yesterday, and shares his positive experience from listening to the Veritas Radio Network.   Among the topics for Wisdom Wednesday are the Veritas Radio Network, Obama's visit to Japan, war atrocities, the Crusades, just war theory, and the natural order. […]

todayMay 25, 2016 2

CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 052516 Seg 1-2: ‘Muricans Have Been Conquered By Mammon, and Even The Conservative Heroes Can’t Save Us

Mandeville, LA - We have to accept that white and red martyrdom is coming!  Mike shares his reasons for not coming into the studio on the Friday before Memorial Day.  Go ahead and get outta here, you Olive-Gardenians and Regal-Cinema-attendees.  Mike provides info on "The Times That Try Men's Souls", playing on Memorial Day.  Don't miss it! Did you hear about the cowardice in the alleged conservative heroes of Oklahoma??  […]

todayMay 25, 2016 2

CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 052416 Seg 1-2-Congratulations Patriots, Welcome To Disgendered Totilataristan aka ‘Muricah

Mandeville, LA - The American Imperial Presidency & Totalitarian Kitsch. - The inmates continue running the asylum, and there is no end in sight. Who is to blame for the rise of Trumpzilla? Perhaps it is the people who have wished for an imperial presidency for quite a long time now. This is the logical end result to the maniacal obsession with militarism. Mike reads the title from a piece […]

todayMay 24, 2016 5
