CRUSADE channel Mike Church Show 052416 Seg 3-4-You’re Only Worried About Trumpzilla Because The Monster You Put In Office Expanded The Imperial Presidency Mandeville, LA - Trumpzilla and the Imperial Presidency. - Caller Dave in Ohio helps Mike make a point about the natural order of things. The social contract is a contrivance put together by man to undermine the natural order. Of course we can blame Trump on us or something that WE did! Mike expounds on how one can explain the rise of Trumpzilla through the natural order. We have turned away […] todayMay 24, 2016 5
CRUSADE channel Mike Church Show 052016 Seg 3-4, Pervert Promoters Tell Parents To “Get Over” Their Girls Being Exposed To Naked Boys Mandeville, LA - If anyone would have told you a year (even just two months!) ago that there would be leading editorial outlets that would actually publish garbage, inaccuracies, and scandal, would you have believed them? It seems like lately, the inmates are running the asylum. If they cannot conform their mind to the reality that their duty and moral obligation is to protect little girls from male body part […] todayMay 20, 2016
CRUSADE channel Mike Church Show 052016 Seg 1-2-The Assault Against Our “Bigotry” Against Pedophiles Begins Mandeville, LA - Mike continues his road tour in Virginia. How deep and shocking has the degradation and desensitizing become? Here's a headline, from the Washington Times-- Charlotte Observer: Girls Must Overcome 'Discomfort' of Seeing 'Male Genitalia' in Locker Rooms. A North Carolina newspaper editorial tells girls that they must "overcome discomfort" in seeing "male genitalia", should the edict on transgender bathrooms be enacted. We're not thinking this through; why NOT […] todayMay 20, 2016 2
CRUSADE channel Mike Church Show 051916 Segment 3-4 Mandeville, LA - The conversation with caller Joss continues as cigar rep Charlie joins Mike in the Twin Smoke Shoppe. The cigar industry is nervous after the FDA released its new rules; time will tell how much impact the rules will have in places where tobacco is grown. If you think this will end with small-batch premium cigars, you're wrong. It will continue to microbreweries and hand-crafted beers. Mike speaks […] todayMay 19, 2016
CRUSADE channel Mike Church Show 051916 Segment 1-2 Mandeville, LA - Mike is live again this morning from the Twin Smoke Shoppe in Philadelphia. Last night, the King Dude attended the "Let My People Smoke" event; he had the opportunity to speak with various individuals about the new FDA rules on premium cigars. This is yet another diabolical overreach of government. Only Congress has the ability to make law, not the FDA or the EPA, or any other governmental […] todayMay 19, 2016 3
CRUSADE channel Mike Church Show 051816 Segment 1-2 Mandeville, LA - Our first ever live Veritas Radio Network event! We have Reverse Deception host Gregory Carpenter on and Mike reads a piece from Rod Dreher at AmConMag. It helps to drive home his point about the lgBtq crowd's calling card: rather than explaining their difficulty or problem, they force acceptance upon everyone. We are at the point of resistance here-- we need to start telling people "NO". People […] todayMay 18, 2016 4
CRUSADE channel Mike Church Show 051816 Segment 3-4 Mandeville, LA - Live Event, Part II! - Jordan Bloom remains at the event, and ReConquest host Brother Andre Marie joins the discussion via phone. Dorothy Day and transgender nonsense are the topics. When you say that we cannot know our gender or identity, you are saying that there is no Creator. These people are denying reality. The discussion moves to Katie Grimes, a "theologian" at Villanova, who teaches her […] todayMay 18, 2016 2
CRUSADE channel Mike Church Show 051716 Mandeville, LA - Sin Is Easy. Pursuing the Truth Is Hard. - The Veritas Radio Network's very FIRST live event is tomorrow at Twin Smoke Shoppe in Philadelphia: Mike is taking his show on the road! Come and join us!! Did you know that today is "international day against homophobia and transphobia", according to Google?? When is there going to be an international day against heterophobia? Mike details the history […] todayMay 17, 2016 3
CRUSADE channel Mike Church Show Segments 3-4 Mandeville, LA - Where Is Our Positive Statement of What WE Want A Legal System To Do? - There is no shortage of quote- Conservative -close-quote news on your Facebook page. Where is all the news that actually matters? The audio from John Smeaton's talk is played where it was last left off, with Mike's pertinent and insightful comments. We can't wait for guidance to come from the top-down, Body of […] todayMay 16, 2016 3
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1664
The CRUSADE Channel & Mike Church Show Achieve Milestone of Episode 2,000! Celebrate “Y2K-D” With Us!
The Constitution Hour Episode 13-Why Trump IS A Natural Born Citizen & Cruz Is Not-Why The Founders Chose republicanism Over Monarchy