Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts
HEADLINE: The Greatest Trick of All by James Corbett The greatest trick of all is the ruling elitists' ability to make you desire your own enslavement. There had to be a series of things done that when they pushed the button the people reacted. In late March of 2020 we saw this happen. We also saw parody of the family singing to the Frozen soundtrack - It’s Vaccination Day AUDIO/VIDEO: […]
Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts
Disney and DeSantis There is obviously a massive pushback on these Groomers. The stuff happening in Florida is all at lightning speed. This is how you know pedophiles will simply not be tolerated in Florida any longer. HEADLINE: Disney Has Lost $34 Billion in Value Since Embarking on Culture War With Florida by Tom Ozimek AUDIO/VIDEO: 3 DISTINCT SOUNDBITES - Libs of TikTok - Old Dominion University professor Allyn Walker […]
The only truly Catholic voice in “conservative” talk radio has been silenced. Here is what we Catholics can do about it. Christopher A. Ferrara The Mike Church Story (originally published on 11 July, 2016) Richmond, VA - Perhaps, like me, you have long wished that someone in the vast wasteland of “conservative” talk radio would actually tell the truth about what really ails American politics and American society: that our […]
Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts
HEADLINE: It’s Not Just Joe Biden. The United States Has A Potemkin Government by Joy Pullmann What is a Potemkin Village? “Potemkin village” arose in Russia to describe empty buildings set up as propaganda, to give a false impression of industry and life. The fake villages were intended to hide the regime’s mass mismanagement and infliction of suffering upon its own people. Potemkin as: “Sham, insubstantial; consisting of little or […]
On 22 April, 1992 at a very small, low powered AM radio station in the suburbs of New Orleans, WSLA, at 08:00 am, I began broadcasting the first episode of The Mike Church Show. Here we are 30 YEARS later and its still going strong (depending on whose side you're on). This Friday, 22 April, 2022 we will celebrate 30 years of The Mike Church Show on The CRUSADE Channel […]
Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts
HEADLINE: Building Trans America by Rod Dreher From Mom in the Article: Moral & ethical compass. A generation of young people are being harmed and failed. What will you say to these people when they grow up? Will you say that you turned a blind eye? Will you say you were too afraid to speak? For goodness sake what will it take to stop the harm? We are in […]