The Mike Church Show

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Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Earth Has Survived Another Liberal’s Earth Day, Yay God!

The Climate Change Regime continues their CRUSADE to  save the planet from humans. Once again they celebrated Earth Day by pushing their Green New Deal agenda and their electric cars.  Despite the pushback from Americans, the Regime continues to believe that Americans are morons.  If they did not, then they would push actual science, not disinformation.  Mike Church breaks down yesterday's Climate Change love fest. He reveals which member of […]

todayApril 23, 2024 34

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Parrott Talk- Oh America! How I Hate Thee, Let Me Count The Ways

PREVIEW OF TODAY'S PARROT TALK. FOR THE FULL EPISODE SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES. If someone questions the greatness of America, then that person does not love America. According to the Daily Wire's Jeremy Boering,  Americans do not question the validity of the moon landing, the reason we used nukes on Japan, and Bin Laden bombed the World Trade Center.  Americans have no doubt that we live in the greatest country ever.  […]

todayApril 23, 2024 62

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

The Mike Church Show-So This Is How Liberty Dies With Little Blue And Gold Flags

As the House passed the bill that sends money and weapons to Ukraine, the floor erupted in applause. It was difficult to find those who believe we should stay out of foreign wars, because they were buried in a sea of little blue and gold flags. For months, the Regime pushed Speaker Johnson to fund wars in the Ukraine, and Israel. They finally got what they wanted, and in true […]

todayApril 22, 2024 30

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Parrott Talk- Mike Johnson Is Not Winston Churchill.

PREVIEW OF TODAY'S PARROT TALK. FOR THE FULL EPISODE SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES.      The Speaker of the House is not Winston Churchill.  The United States is not at war with the Russians and Hamas is not invading our country.  However, our government continues to send money and weapons to Ukraine and Israel.  Representatives like Speaker Mike Johnson says if we do not aid these countries, then we will have […]

todayApril 22, 2024 44

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

A Tale Of 2 Milkshakes

There is no poll that can measure the popularity gap between Trump and Biden.  A few days ago, Trump was greeted by the people of Harlem with chants and adoration.  Meanwhile, Biden goes to a WaWa and no one recognizes him.  While both are political stunts, one candidate is authenticate, while the other has to send in his people to ensure everything is in the proper place and the "people" […]

todayApril 19, 2024 50

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Mayorkas Looks Like Lex Luthor Because He Is Biden’s Lex Luthor

House of Representatives delivered their impeachment charges of Alejandro Mayorkas to the Senate.  On Tuesday, the House marched over to the Senate to begin the process of removing the head of Homeland Security.  They charged Mayorkas with willfully disobeying his duties.  Mike Church reveals what happens next in the battle to secure our southern border.  Mike also gives his predictions on this now weaponized procedure to eliminate political targets.  Tune […]

todayApril 17, 2024 36

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Parrott Talk-The Republican’ts Only Have One Plan, Steal Your Happiness

PREVIEW OF TODAY'S PARROT TALK. FOR THE FULL EPISODE SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES.     "It is all the Demoncrats fault! If you want a better life than you need to vote Republican't."  Gas prices are too high, blame the Demoncrats.  Can't afford a home, it is Biden's fault.  Are you noticing a trend here?  The Republican'ts only have one plan and that is to steal your happiness.  As long as […]

todayApril 17, 2024 38

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Parrott Talk-The Christian Nationalist The Regime Warned Us About

PREVIEW OF TODAY'S PARROT TALK. FOR THE FULL EPISODE SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES. Next to Donald Trump, the Christian Nationalist is the biggest threat to Demoncracy.  The regime and their lapdogs issues warning after warning about this rising threat of Christians who believe their rights come from God and not the Regime.  They are quick to label these nationalists as terrorist, racists, homophobes and any other label they can think of.  […]

todayApril 16, 2024 40

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Parrott Talk-Never Fear America, Trump Is Here To Save You From The Eclipse And Biden

PREVIEW OF TODAY'S PARROT TALK. FOR THE FULL EPISODE SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES.  "American, if you ever need me, shine my symbol into the sky and I will rush to save you." On the day of the eclipse Trump released a political ad that featured Trump's silhouette blocking the sun.   The msm wasted no time to say Trump plunged the country in darkness, but Mike Parrott had a different take on […]

todayApril 9, 2024 40
