The New Christendom Daily

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Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

How Your Small Sanctuary City Is Harboring Illegal Alien Killers.

Who said illegal invaders have no intention of acting all American like?  What's more American than acting all thug like in the large Demoncrat controlled cities? The Conservative news pundits are just now realizing there is a huge increase in crime caused by the illegal invaders. It is a shame it took the death of a University of Georgia student to point this out. It took this tragedy of them […]

todayFebruary 28, 2024 39

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Parrott Talk-The Ugly Fantasy Of The Transgenda

PREVIEW OF TODAY'S PARROT TALK. FOR THE FULL EPISODE SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES. Libtards and their transgenda has done more to set back women's rights than any other Conservative agenda.  Male athletes who can't beat other males, claim they are women so they can win.  Male convicts know they will can hang in a male prison so they claim to be trans, and force them to be placed in a female […]

todayFebruary 28, 2024 34 1

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

The Mike Church Show-Her Killer Wasn’t Supposed To Be In The United States.

The murder of a Georgia college student is sending ripples through the country.  The main stream media wants to hide that an illegal invader killed Laken Riley, while the Republicans are politicizing this tragedy.  For Mike Church, this murder hits closer to home.  Mike reveals why this man should have never been in the country in the first place. He exposes the record of the violent thug and how the […]

todayFebruary 27, 2024 29

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Parrott Talk-Now Here’s A Word From Our World War III Sponsor, The C.I.A.

PREVIEW OF TODAY'S PARROT TALK. FOR THE FULL EPISODE SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES. The next President of the United States will not start World War III, that privilege belongs to the C.I.A.  The secretive intelligence agency is once again the middle of a controversy.  A new report shows they have 12 bases in Ukraine, and the bases have been there since 2014.  Mike Parrott breaks down this report and he exposes […]

todayFebruary 26, 2024 43

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Trump Crushes Deranged Haley In South Carolina

President Donald J. Trump crushed the deranged Nikki Haley in her home state. That should have been the headlines across the country, but that is not the world the main stream media or Nikki Haley lives in.  Instead they said that Haley won 40% of the Republican vote. It is this delusion of grandeur that Haley cites as her reason to stay in the race.  Mike Church reveals the world […]

todayFebruary 26, 2024 30

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

It’s Not Just Trump They’re After, They Destroy Journos Too.

CBS did the bidding of the Biden Regime.  Not only did they fire Catherine Herridge because she got too close to the truth, but they seized all of her files and everything in her office. This is not the first time the Communist Broadcast System did as they were told by the Regime.  In 2015, they fired Sharyl Attkisson for coverage of the Obama Regime.  Mike Church reveals why this […]

todayFebruary 23, 2024 30

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

When The Commies Came For Trump They Came For Us

The Demoncrats are working overtime to revive the Russia Collusion hoax.  House members took to the mainstream message and proclaimed that Republicans and Trump are doing Putin's dirty work.  The Demoncrats firmly believe that public believes in the Russia hoax, which is why they continue to push it, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.  In order for the public to believe it, they have to convict Trump.  […]

todayFebruary 22, 2024 20

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Parrott Talk-“Indiana Come On Down! You’re The Next Contestant On Steal The Kids!”

PREVIEW OF TODAY'S PARROT TALK. FOR THE FULL EPISODE SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES. The ruby red conservative state of Indiana is the latest state to put transgender rights over parental rights.  Jeremy and Mary Cox are fighting the Indiana Department of Child Services for the right to raise their son as they see fit.  IDC took their son because they refused to call him by his preferred pronouns and transgender name.  […]

todayFebruary 22, 2024 31

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

The Demons Have Come For The Children In Small Town Muricah

A Wisconsin human resource director was arrested for child pornography and child exploitation.  Here's another instance of a transgender advocate charged with child pornography and child exploitation.  This seems to be a common occurrence with those who push the trans-genda, and Mike Church reveals why this is, and how this is happening in small town America.  Mike exposes the dark forces behind the anti-catholic group that is currently pushing this […]

todayFebruary 21, 2024 44
