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What Chris Christie & The Earth’s Orbit Have in Common

todayDecember 10, 2013 7

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    What Chris Christie & The Earth’s Orbit Have in Common TheKingDude

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What Chris Christie & the orbit of “Spaceship Earth” have in common and why it matters to the coming Ice Age

Mandeville, LA – I spend a lot of time reading the latest science on the fate of our beautiful little blue green ball spinning through the cosmos. My most intriguing narrow field is how the Earth’s orbit is affected by the big bully planets Jupiter, Saturn & Neptune. The more men study this the more the rickety orbit of Earth comes into focus and it is that orbit, about as perfectly round as Chris Christie’s girth that many believe causes our recurring ice ages. William McCleney, author of the wonderful Revising The Nine Times Rule explains.

“So Houston, the problem is actually of astronomical proportions. Figure 2 shows the three things which we experience in our billions of turns around the sun. Precession of that tilt on our axis, which happens on a 19k, 22k, and 24k year cycle. Obliquity of that eccentricity, which happens on a 41k year cycle, like the ice age period in the Pliocene, and eccentricity, which cycles were discussed above. All of this makes perfect sense, meaning there is only an 11.1% chance anybody will actually recognize it as the truth since we are always so pre-occupied with rumor.”

Today’s clip I try and explain the orbit and what it does and why this matters more than chasing Co2 tax credits and silly schemes to limit cow farts. (I borrowed that line from my 2006 parody song “Fire” sung by Al Gore & featured on my Anthology parody song collection)

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    What Chris Christie & The Earth’s Orbit Have in Common TheKingDude

Here are some animations or “moving pitchers” to help the AlGore infatuated understand what is happening to spaceship Earth and why.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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