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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Chris Christie becomin Conservatism’s Lex Luthor (because he’s successful!) plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “[Politics] is concerned with the cultivation of what from time to time are accepted as the peaceable decencies of conduct among men who do not suffer from the Puritan-Jacobin illusion that in practical affairs there is an attainable condition of things called ‘truth’ or ‘perfection.’” – Michael Oakeshot
The WarFare State is the engine that drives the Welfare State-try getting DeceptiCONS to admit that (wait for Oprah to write a book on Jefferson)
Kryptonite to DeceptiCONS: Chris Christie, balances budgets, can pronounce the President’s name without scorn and is loved by his liberal constituents.. Yet the “conservatives” at CPAC yell something on the order of “Stone him outside the CPAC walls and drag in his unworthy carcass”
END THE FED inspires George Will?: The FED should admit its epic failure and the gold bar in its own lobby is the proof for that conviction
House Dem files bill to allow Obama to sell Syrians arms,developed and paid for by U.S. citizens through taxation and a phony, suicidal use of the “to declare war” power. What if the “rebels” sell or give them to “Al Queda” (and they will)? Of course American militia cannot own these weapons because WE are dangerous, but TERRORISTS can!? Good-grief. can you spell secede?
SCOTUS Chief Justice to Obama’s Solicitor General: “Are you saying the Voting Rights Acts assumes citizens in the South are MORE racist than citizens in the North?” Ummm, derrrrr of COURSE that’s what he’s saying, and that’s just his opening statement!
DeceptiCONS rev up the war machine to warn that “Bracing for the $1 trillion shortfall with sequestration, the Pentagon is drastically scaling back — and won’t be able to adequately protect the nation for long. According to congressional figures, the 100,000 ground troops already slated for downsizing would become 200,000. The Navy’s 288 ships are barely enough for their global missions now — and would shrink to 238. – Wow, what exactly are our “GLOBAL MISSIONS” and why is the U.S. Defense Dept defending the GLOBE?
So now that the “sequester” looms, Dear Leader is beginning to use extortion to stop it e.g. “why…we HAD to let these illegal alien – DWI. larceny, trespassing offenders – go, we didn’t think the money to keep them incarcerated would be there because of the “sequester”
AmConMag: Is the American political system under the Constitution “designed” to be worked by a certain set of “rules” or is it the product of men who thought they could manage what they had created simply because they were confident of it!?
New “Tebow” move: Pretend you are willing to suffer martyrdom for your faith until Gatorade threatens to pull their endorsement money
Tim Tebow is Tebowed by Rev Jeffress
DeceptiCONNED – Like the John Fogerty song “Cause I saw it on TV” the GOP“dominoes tumbled and big business roared” as Chris Christie becomes GOP “boatloader” #8, accepting ObamaCare bribe for Medicaid for NJ
DeceptiCONNED II– With FL’s “conservative” governor Rick Scott caving in to get his state’s share of “boatloads of federal money” the resistance to ObamaCare is damaged and the more likely outcome is MORE states caving in OR some states moving to completely become Independent
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 123 1
Same Awesome Show For West Coast Morning Drive
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The Year That Was Anno Domini MMXXI
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Joe on February 28, 2013
A majority of the comments entered at the end of “In Defense of Chris Christie” on are downright SCARY…mostly DeceptiCONS.