
Chris of New York Is All For TSA. Mike, Not So Much.

todayNovember 16, 2010 8


[mp3t track=’16112010_Transcript_2.mp3′]

Order Your hardback copy of Life of George Washington, out of print since 1920 but available now from Mike Church & Founding Father Films publishing
Order Your hardback copy of Life of George Washington, out of print since 1920 but available now from Mike Church & Founding Father Films publishing

(Audio)Mandeville, LA – It’s always fun here on the Mike Church Show, in factsome say it’s even mandatory, but what really turns the glitter to goldhere is when a caller, especially of the Libtard denomination, decidesto use the nads in their pants for something other than additions tothe genealogy tree. Today we’ve got Chris of New York on the phone andin his words:

“I believe 95% of everything you say….but I’ve never ever heard you more completely wrong on a subject than you are now.”

Consider this Round One folks, we haven’t had this much charisma ina phone call in a while…and it’s not even Friday! Chris feels thatthe U.S. Gubbmint owes one thing to the people through theConstitution, and that being security. He reminds us that flying is nota ‘right’ (even though we never thought it was), he then comparesflying to ‘public transportation’, and takes up for the fat guys thataren’t allowed to fly due to ‘honest enough size issues’ but continueto sue the airlines, Chris then finishes things up by calling the KingDude a poor Capitalist for not letting the Gubbmint provide security ata cheaper rate.

As Mike dons his boxing gloves and iridescent colored robe he throwsout jab one: free people should use a free market to fly to and fro, ifyou’re paying for access then is it public? Jab two: there are alternative technologies that are not invasivewith the goal being to sniff out a chemical or substance. Jab three:any service you think the airline is providing is actually coming outof your pocket, they’re called taxes. You decide who won the debate bylistening below!

Related Material: To get a closer insight into the mysterious environment that is Libtardia then listen below from the archive of The Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM’s Patriot Channel: Libtards: Concerned About the Nutritional Value of Children

2010 Mike Church Show


Written by: TheKingDude

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