Christmas Eve Pile of Prep – Natus Puer in Jubilo!
todayDecember 24, 2015
Our Lady & Our Lord, alleluia!
Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel. ‘Tis the season to remember… Merry Christmas to all on this Christmas Eve. You will find below my gifts for you and yours though I can only claim the authorship of a vocal rendition because the stories are the greatest moments recorded as both Gospel and history where history becomes Gospel. “The chaplain sits on one side of the bed and the physician on the other, while the healer hovers around, baffled and furious. And they do well ; for there really is
a great link between them. It is the link of the union of flesh and spirit, which the heresy of the healer blasphemes. The priest may have taken his spirit with a little flesh, or the doctor his flesh with a little spirit; but the union was essential to both. With the religious there might be much prayer and a little oil; with the scientific there might be much oil (castor oil) and precious little prayer. But no religion disowned sacraments and no doctors disowned sympathy. And they are right to combine together against the great and horrible heresy–the
horrible heresy that there can be such a thing as a purely spiritual religion.” – G.L. Chesterton
Our Second Christmas Gift To You: A Dramatic Reading of The conception of John the Baptist, and of Christ. The visitation and canticle of the Blessed Virgin. The birth of the Baptist and the canticle of Zachary.. Narrated by Mike Church, produced by Jimm Mosher and Mike Church for Veritas Radio Network
VIDEO OF REAL PRESIDENT CELEBRATING “JESUS” CHRISTMAS IN WHITEHOUSE – In 1981, President Reagan delivered the following televised address to the nation and that would be the first of 8 such addresses. Note that Reagan, possibly for the last term, actually uttered the name of Our Lord “Jesus” in his Christmas message. In 2009 I wrote a parody song set to Mrs Robinson that contained the following line:
Where have you gone Ron Wilson Reagan
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you, woo hoo hoo
What’s that you say Mr Madison
The Gipper has left and gone away
And we prayed, wish he stayed
Indeed, my friends, indeed.
The Advent carol we’ve been looking for here, all week, comes to us in the form of a book written on the origins of the prison. Yeah, I know, but Eve Tushnet actually makes a nice case for reconciliation this Christmas. “The life of each saint is the life of Jesus Christ.” De Caussade calls us to the “duty of the present moment” and even “the sacrament of the present moment.” Our dossier means nothing in the face of our present choice, each moment, to cling to self-image or to abandon ourselves to God’s will.”
CRY FOR ME ARGENTINA OBAMA (over Yemen and war-crimes) – The Obama admin demolishes the “leading from behind” bumper sticker that war-lusting GOP hawks and Hillary have been peddling as the carnage wrought in Yemen by Obama’s war-machine, in cahoots with our Islamic pals in Saudi Arabia, becomes lethally clear.
TOP 10 RELIGIOUS LIBERTY COUNTDOWN – The problem here is the “liberty” described is either to be put on trial or has been put on trial and found wanting. If you’re looking for the top religious liberty event of the year look for those who have advanced the faith at their own expense of wealth and reputation…as The Truth commanded us to do.
BUCHANAN: ISLAM WILL CONQUER IF IT IS NOT THEOLOGICALLY OPPOSED. Patric J Buchanan asks why Mrs Clinton is so gung-ho to import hundreds of thousands of Islam practicing “refugees” when the historical record and the late-great historians agree, where Islam dominates, Sharia becomes the secular law, end of story. This would not matter to the agnostic or in Hillary’s case, apostasy practicers whose use of religion mocks the supernatural to achieve the natural.
THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS HAVE SECRET MEANINGS– And you’ll never guess what those meanings are from watching Bad Santa or listening to the Pogues alleged Christmas song “New York fairy Tale Christmas”
PAGAN DRUIDS AND SCROOGES BEGONE! YES, it can be proven using the historical record, that St john The Baptist was born at the end of June (24th) and that Christ was born 6 months later (December 24-25). This is not “an arbitrary date chosen by the Catholic Church to squash a pagan ritual”, the facts, stated in the Gospel of Luke and the known Jewish calendar at the time say that Dec. 25th is the correct date for the birth of Our Lord. Read the whole thing here.
MY ROOMMATE AT PAPA SONSTRAY ISLAND, SCOTLAND!? – Sir James MacMillan fights for the faith in Scotland whilst the Scottish national authorities do all they can to assist Beazelbub in eradicating the Faith from the Island
VATICAN FACE PALM – Under the style of “Theology of The Clitoris” Maureen Mullarkey informs us of a most bizarre and troubling conference to [allegedly] be attended by Pope Francis, that will provide “hands on…live cases” for the study of female, genital stimulation enhancement. The events transpiring in and around the Vatican are disturbing but this takes disturbing to the level of abuse. Is there no one in the Pope’s administrative circle that counsels the aged adage of “first, do no harm”!? Mullarkey comments: “In effect, the Patristic Institute is assenting to the advancement of a non-medical enterprise that exploits anxieties and fixations induced by X-rated fantasies of female genital perfection.” What is even more troubling is the fact that the public discussion of sex, removed from pro-creation, as a legitimate act of pleasure has been condemned by every council that has discussed it and forcefully in our own time by Pius XI. “Such persons grievously err in refusing to recognize the inborn weakness of human nature, and the law of which the Apostle speaks, fighting against the law of the mind;[43] and also in ignoring the experience of facts, from which it is clear that, particularly in young people, evil practices are the effect not so much of ignorance of intellect as of weakness of a will exposed to dangerous occasions, and unsupported by the means of grace.” Note that Pius’s encyclical concerns the [then] failings of “Christian education”, failings that have now germinated into Papal education. Lord help us…
MONDAY’S GUEST JOSEPH PEARCE, EXPLAINS THE COMEDY OF CHRISTMAS & THE CHRISTMAS BLUES – “[At Christmas time] why are we not walking around with a permanent smile on our faces? Why do we spend so much of our time bemoaning our lot in life and bewailing the state of the world? Why do we ignore the candle and see only the darkness surrounding it? Why doesn’t the joy of Christmas and the laughter on the lips of the Christ Child and the delight in the heart of His Mother keep us in a state of perpetual contentment?”
BUCHANAN:The War Party must be stopped if the GOP is to survive. Buchanan looks at the GOP debates and campaign for the nomination with revulsion, wondering how the party of Ronald Reagan became such an obnoxious choir of military bravado and faux patriotism.
THERE IS NO GOD COMING TO SAVE QUEEN HILLARY – Slick Hilly has declared her coronation a certainty and her competition defeated, setting her sights on Donald Trump and the main event to come. Mrs. Clinton’s performance in Saturday night’s “debate” at St Anselm college featured a litany of the usual democrat snake oil with a “Isis uses Trump videos for recruiting” for seasoning.
ORWELL: LANGUAGE MATTERS AND BAD LANGUAGE LEADS TO BAD WARS – Rowan Williams delivers the annual Orwell address gives written life to what we have been discussing the last two years: the Warfare/Spyfare State is made lethal, tyrannical and beyond reproach because the language used to describe it is corrupted to the point that horrifying words no longer even give a fright. “When the military commander speaks of destroying a village to save it, the writer’s job is to speak of the specific lives ended in agony. When the agents of Islamist terror call suicide bombers ‘martyrs’, the writer’s job is to direct attention to the baby, the Muslim grandmother, the Jewish aid worker, the young architect, the Christian nurse or taxi driver whose death has been triumphantly scooped up into the glory of the killer’s self-inflicted death.”
The GAYStapo Strikes Back, Episode 6,735 – “You’ll go gay and like it”, I said yesterday on the Mike Church Show. “Oh Mike, you’re being reactionary and paranoid, no one is ever going to ,like, you know, force a Catholic school to hire a known sodomite as a teacher…oh look, a squirrel!” Well the impossible has just happened and now ‘Muricah has its first Catholic School that has been force fed a sodomite marriage practitioner it’s first Sodomite school teacher. There are two points to be made here. 1. Is the Diocese going to accept the ruling or will it (as it should) condemn the court, declare its “teaching” as fallible and filled with Heretical error and refuse to accept the “gay” teacher? or 2. The irony cannot be lost here that because the Church was invaded by modernity practicing libs which paved the way for the pedophile practicing “priests”.
The South’s libs Gonna Do It slander the southern dead Again – The City Council of NOLA votes 6-1 to remove statues of Confederate War veterans and sons of the South because they present a nuisance to Jazz musician Wynton Marsalis.
NEWSFLASH: Kids are now attending “Christian Colleges” so they can explore their “gender Identities” and the Federal courts are only too happy to sick the full power of the sodomite Leviathan on the colleges that they must choose: proper, liberal, CHRISTIAN education to a small number of self-financed students or accept Leviathan and surrender your teaching Authority. WHich do you think most ‘Murican colleges will choose?
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […]
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