Church Doctrine

Church Doctrine Cancelled By WGNO But Will Live On Longer & Uncut Here

todayNovember 17, 2014 30


Mandeville, LA – After a 3 year run, the bi-weekly Church Doctrine commentaries Mike Church has provided for New orleans ABC affiliate WGNO’s News With A Twist have been cancelled, colleague Kaare Johnson’s bi-weekly commentaries were also cancelled. “I am grateful to have had the chance to provide New Orleans with a traditionalist/Catholic viewpoint for the last 3 years. To all those who enjoyed my feature, rest assured they will still be produced for the website and available for Founders Pass members to view and download.”

There is an online archive of over 100 videos and 175 audio versions of the feature available here.

Written by: TheKingDude

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  1. Wil Shrader Jr. on November 18, 2014

    Is it known why you were both cancelled? Also, will you continue the videos here or replace them with something else? I really miss the post-show shows and the like.

    • TheKingDude on November 18, 2014

      The Twist viewing audience didn’t care for the commentaries. I will still produce bi-weekly Doctrines and post them here. With my POV I do not expect to ever be blessed with the opportunity to do TV or radio in NOLA again and am thankful WGNO gave me that chance.

  2. on November 17, 2014

    Mike, stay with local efforts,You reach a national audience with SXM. We can not know local likes and power plays against the voices of christian living in our communities will play out? We can only effect those that will understand that living righteously and showing that is the way to govern ALL.
