Church Doctrine

Common Core Propaganda vs the Reality of Pre, Pre-K

todayOctober 15, 2014 11

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    Common Core Propaganda vs the Reality of Pre, Pre-K TheKingDude

mordorCommon Core Propaganda vs the Reality of Pre, Pre-K

©2014 Mike Church

This country’s obsession with saving “public education” has produced propaganda so effective that even the politicians that author the brain-washing have been turned. During his feud with Education Secretary John White, Governor Jindal has refused to sign off on “federal grants” that have Common Core strings attached. The latest “grant” is one alleged to benefit Pre, Pre-K “students.”  According to this scheme’s chief propagandist, Metairie’s Republican legislator Conrad Appel, the program is desperately needed because “In order for children to have a productive educational career, they have to be ready to enter kindergarten.” Sounds like Appel has drank the whole pitcher of [sic] Kommon Kore Kool Aide.


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    Common Core Propaganda vs the Reality of Pre, Pre-K TheKingDude

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    Common Core Propaganda vs the Reality of Pre, Pre-K TheKingDude



Since when do we expect that at 4 years old, kids should begin their “career” in education? What’s next, will Appel push for 3 year olds to apprentice the 4 year olds so he’s sure they’re “ready to enter” Pre, Pre-k? If the idea of Pre, Pre-K doesn’t sound ridiculous to you please answer the following question: What evidence is there that the ever-more expensive, ever more-intensive, Louisiana slash American Public Education system is making public school kids anything other than ever-more dumb? For example, did you know that since 2006 SAT scores are down 20 points and plummeting? Just wait until Common Core works it’s “magic”; making a monolith out of the beauty of true learning, which no State can compel or foster.

St Thomas Aquinas, the greatest teacher of all time, wrote that true learning ONLY comes from the student’s own true questioning. It’s undeniable that our student’s aren’t fed genuine questions, they are fed the answers which have memorized questions as triggers. All the propaganda on Earth, will not produce growing intelligence from this “method” but it has produced declining intelligence, on display in public schools and the State Legislature.


Mike Church is a New Orleans native and a radio host appearing daily on the SiriusXM Patriot Channel. He is an author and editor of “Patrick Henry-American Statesman” and is the writer and director of 7 Docudramas on American history including “The Spirit of ‘76” and the recently released “Times That try Men’s Souls-Washington’s Crossing”.


Written by: TheKingDude

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