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Congressman Kucinich vs. The Pitted Olive

todayJanuary 27, 2011 6

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    Congressman Kucinich vs. The Pitted Olive TheKingDude

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    Congressman Kucinich vs. The Pitted Olive TheKingDude

(Audio) Mandeville, LA – You’re going to love this story! DennisKucinich, Congressman out of Ohio who has self-proclaimed himself as"America’s Most Courageous Congressman" has apparently had a bit of amishap in the Congressional Cafe biting off more than he can chew, orshould we say biting off something he couldn’t chew. The aggressor inquestion was a wrap he bought from the Longworth House Office Buildingcafeteria. Congressman Kucinich said of the wrap that it was:"Unwholesome and unfit for human consumption, in that it wasrepresented to contain pitted olives, yet unknown to plaintiffcontained an unpitted olive." STOP THE PRESS PEOPLE – Kucinich hurt histooth.

That’s not all folks, ‘America’s Most CourageousCongressman’ also complained that he: "sustained serious and permanentdental and oral injuries requiring multiple surgery and oralprocedures" and says he has sustained other damages, "includingsignificant pain, suffering and loss of enjoyment." What’s the nextstep for Kucinich folks? Avoid wraps at all costs, especially ones withso-called pitted olives? Of course not – Congressman Kucinich is suingthe Congressional Cafeteria and is seeking $150,000 in damages, plusinterest and costs. Awful courageous folks, now we see the validity ingiving himself that title.

Related Material: Get as much KingDude as you can possibly stand with the help of the archived clips of The Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM’s Patriot Channel:

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2011 Mike Church Show 

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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