insert_link Gentleman's Corner Yes, There IS Radio Life AFTER Satellite Radio, And I Am Not Only The President But Also an Example! todayJune 19, 2020 3
Madison Avenue on January 30, 2015 A note on the email from yours truly to Mike Church that he inserted into this “corrected” history of the Catholic Church. I referred to apostasy. The word has Greek origins, and means a defection or revolt; in more common usage, we think of apostasy as the renunciation of religious belief. Some have read what I wrote above and inferred that I was stating that The Episcopal Church is apostate. That’s not what I am saying. Some of what passes for theological liberalism, such as The Jesus Seminar is, in my opinion, a defection or revolt against traditional Christian teaching. My use of the word apostasy was too extreme based on our current understanding of the word. God alone judges what is faithful and what is apostate. The Episcopal Church is the place where I have found Jesus, and as such, could never be apostate. Log in to Reply
Steve Cunningham on November 8, 2012 To the first letter you received. No the “c” is not a little ‘c’ the protest-ants say it is a little ‘c’ where in fact it is not. The gentlemen can read St Ignatius of Antioch’s letters & St Justin Martyr for that which they were around long before the Council of Nicea & the Credo was to combat the heresies around like Arianism. He is also writing against his heretical stance of protest-antism since he claims, correctly, that we all believe on one holy Catholic & apostolic Church but in fact he is against that b/c there is no protestant group that is one, nor catholic aka universal, nor apostolic at all. To the Orthodox comment. Her assumption IS COMPLETE error. How can the Church, which has an unbroke line of apostolic succession, break away from itself since Christ promised the gates of hell would not prevail against it? So your argument is the Church, which did not break away from herself, broke away from herself b/c the orthodox broke away? To claim Rome broke away from herself is not only error but non historical. The Orthodox keep claiming this but facts are facts you cannot break away from the Holy Sea that Christ established & claim the Holy Sea broke away. Illogical at best. Here is a perfect example of this from an former Orthodox again if your claim is right the why did St Ignatius say the following in 110AD being led to being fed to lions? “Wherever the bishop appears, there let the people be; as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church.” — Letter to the Smyrnaeans 8 he shoulda said there is the Orthodox church is you are correct in the claim that the Catholic Church wasn’t there. See the Orthodox is in schism with us, they left & hopefully one day they will rejoin in full communion. Pope JP II & Bendedict XVI have done great things to try to bring them back in. Which one doesn’t have the Chair of Peter? The Orthodox. I just get tired of hearing this false idea. Steve Log in to Reply
Troy Lizenby on November 7, 2012 I would venture to say Mr. Church that you have some of the best informed, polite and well learned folks as members of your audience, I’m glad to benefit from them and benefit from the discourse that you and only you provide. You are gracious and kind sir. Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on November 7, 2012 Troy, Thanks for the props and for recognizing the only growing, mature, media audience in the U.S. While the RedStaters push the imaginative conservative sees what “conservative” opportunism has wrought: playground taunts as solutions to grave, existential problems. SAD. Log in to Reply
Sandra Tebbens on November 7, 2012 Is there anything that can be done about Obamacare? Is there anyway it can be overturned? It is dangerous to every thing that relates to freedom in this country! Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1655
The CRUSADE Channel & Mike Church Show Achieve Milestone of Episode 2,000! Celebrate “Y2K-D” With Us!
The Constitution Hour Episode 13-Why Trump IS A Natural Born Citizen & Cruz Is Not-Why The Founders Chose republicanism Over Monarchy