Gentleman's Corner

Could Conservatism Be Expressed As A Vow? Yes, and Here’s How

todayMay 7, 2014 9


Liberty the God that Failed smallMandeville, LA – When someone says they are a “hardcore conservative” what exactly does that mean? Is it possible that the term “conservative”, used properly, should resist being further diluted by descriptors? That would then require “conservatives” to have an agreed upon code they live by, kinda like the code adapted by chivalrous knights once upon a time.

Here was their code, written by Sir Amylion according to Charles Mills, author of “The History of Chivalry-Part I of II”. “The knights vowed that they would never injure or vilify each other, that they would share each other’s dangers; and in sign of the perfection of love, and of true unity, and in order to possess, as much as they could, the same heart and resolves, they solemnly promised true fraternity and companionship of arms.”

“From this day forward, ever mo
Neither fail, either for weal or wo,
To help other at need,
Brother, be now true to me,
And I shall be as true to thee.”

The code also included the vow that your friend’s enemy was yours and vice versa.

“A generous friendship no cold medium knows, Burns with one love, with one resentment glows.”

There is but ONE, easily identifiable, common enemy, that “conservatives” could unite in their enmity: the Devil; and thus one beneficiary of that unity: God (men would benefit as well by pursuing “sanctifying grace” a pursuit of all chivalrous knights).

“Eschewing politics!? Heresy!” they will scream and that’s the point. How many “conservatives” would take this conservative vow in place of the “vows” made to the Constitution, the “Founding Fathers” and fake, fraternal groups like the GOP? I will take the vow for this conservatism, comment below on your acceptance or rejection.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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  1. Richard Bakemeier on August 17, 2014

    This oath is an easy pill to swallow but still is not recognized in popular culture. 1) I have always admired it, 2) I have learned that it was central to the development of Western Civilization, and 3) I accepted it a long time ago as a personal matter. Here, I am thankful to see another man accept it, and another, and I believe there are other men and women who know, at the deepest level, that Western Civilization will fall under the remorseless, ongoing, historic attack from the East if such human loyalty is not served… even when words fail.

    BTW, Mr. Church, I have been corrected by a few casual counselors lately, and I must correct myself; I know, and know of, numerous women who respect this code, and I have met some of them. Mothers are not the only women who qualify; wives and friends, sisters and cousins appreciate chivalry, and I cannot imagine there are many women who live under the heel of Shari’a Law and also reject the code of chivalry.

  2. Richard Bakemeier on May 9, 2014

    Dear Mr. Church,
    The Code you relate here calls to mind two historic kings in southern England, both of which have been associated with the the legend of Arthur Pendragon, son of Uther, and Camelot. One king served circa. a.d. 300, the other circa. a.d. 600, and both of their kingdoms flourished remarkably well, so that their association with the legend of King Arthur becomes historically appropriate. I do not know if one or the other of them has been identified as the real Arthur whose name is legend but I have heard arguments in favor of both, on different occasions.

    This was a personal Code, and your proposal makes it personal again.

    For me, it is not a thing I can read once and immediately commit, altho on first reading it offers no cause for objection. It requires me to weigh prior commitments of similar nature; one a marriage, another the very fact that I exist; wife and parents. These commitments are held by me and my Master whose ire is my downfall, and they are not the only commitments I have made (and faithfully maintaned) with that same Master you serve. I did not take those commitments lightly before I accepted them, and none of them has enriched me materially, but I have not wanted food or shelter, and my health has always been sufficient with very little attention from modern medicine. Our Master has been generous with me.

    I wonder, as I write this, if your proposal includes an offer of employment in warmer climes than Indiana offers, and I need to get beyond that selfish question before I can offer a serious reply. I do not need you to offer such a thing; all I need is to clear it in my own mind. The geography and the present conditions in my prior lifelong commitments, require me to demur, as has been my habit before committing to any proposal that requires a commitment. (It occurs to me, as a summary result of this process of cogitation, that it is presently popular to think of women as “those people who think men are unwilling to commit”, and it reminds me that I do not know any woman in whom I would place the same trust you are requesting here. The woman may exist but I do not know her.)

    I will give this idea some serious consideration, Sir.

    All the best,


    • TheKingDude on May 9, 2014

      Richard it IS a personal code but when done in unison with others makes it a community’s code e.g. if 1/3 of a villages men (knights) take the oath/code seriously, the women and children of that village can rest somewhat assured they will be protected from mayhem should it visit that village.

      • Richard Bakemeier on May 12, 2014

        Mr. Church, I heard last Tuesday’s show a few hours ago (OnDemand) and I heard a thread of thought in the first two hours of that replay that resonates here. (I think it is the next show to scroll off of OnDemand). Listening adds a great depth of perspective to this.

        Think of me as roadie in this community. Roadies show up when everyone else is leaving, and we need to be leaving when everyone else is ready to start up again, but we get together from time to time when the pressure is off, and we catch up, and we make plans.

        Thank you, btw, for the Mothers’ Day reminders last Tuesday. I was listening live in the background while distracted and that was all I recalled from that day’s broadcast, until I heard it again last night OnDemand. It worked, and it worked in greater measure than I had seen available when I was ordering from Shari’s Berries, using your code, so maybe we have a silent neighbor there, too, but I see your point.

        You are not looking for “12 Knights” or “a boatload of Myrmidons” or “300 Spartans”. (I was willing to consider that again, but I have never arrived at a conclusion before when I have considered it.) You are looking for a republic.

        I, too, am looking for a republic. So far, no joy.

  3. TheKingDude on May 8, 2014

    Thanks Bud, let’s get some comment thread going here, Ladies, wouldn’t YOU benefit from THIS vow of conservatism?
