The Constitution

What Lincoln Killed-EPISODE I, Jefferson & Madison Schemed Nullification

todayAugust 28, 2014 15

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    What Lincoln Killed-EPISODE I, Jefferson & Madison Schemed Nullification TheKingDude

FREE SAMPLE: Jefferson, John Taylor of Caroline and “little” Jimmy Madison scheme to present nullification as the remedy for The Alien & Sedition Acts.

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    What Lincoln Killed-EPISODE I, Jefferson & Madison Schemed Nullification TheKingDude


Mandeville, LADavid Simpson reviews Mike’s “What Lincon Killed-EPISODE I” – Mike Church offers a truly unique take on the events surrounding Abraham Lincoln, The Civil War, Secession & A Union Divided. Historically accurate and unlike anything you’ve experienced before. The story centers around Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and John Taylor of Caroline’s 1798-99 efforts to restrain the new Federal Government using “nullification” and “interposition”. Often times hilarious but always insightful and provocative “What Lincoln Killed-The Director’s Edition” is a dramtic stroll through American history that is as important to us today as it was to those who LIVED the story in the 1790′s.

Mike Church - Working on narrating/directing "What Lincoln Killed"
Mike Church – Working on narrating/directing “What Lincoln Killed”

One of the early lines in the movie Braveheart says: “History is written by those who have hung heroes.” Mike Church has set about to remedy that problem and he does it with aplomb…and a good bit of humor too. In his most recent production, What Lincoln Killed, Mike explores the all-but-lost concept of federalism.  But unlike many modern productions which start off with an agenda and end with a pre-determined outcome, Mike really does research, speaks with experts and, rarity of rarities, actually proves his points with words from the mouths of our Founding Fathers.

Ron Paul is no fan of Lincoln & you won't be either after enjoying this feature
Own What Lincoln Killed -EPISODE I on CD today-Mike’s hysterical and accurate tale of what Jefferson & company thought our government under the Constitution should look and act like

His analysis is so fundamental that if asked, “What’s wrong with America?” he would likely respond, “America is not a thing.  The united States are!” This is a different sort of quest, the only right kind, a sincere and thorough search for the truth no matter where it lands.  Then he goes even further, taking on the task as a personal crusade, a personal mission, to leave the world a better place than he found it for his family and his countrymen. Toward the end of What Lincoln Killed, Mike laments that our generation has failed in that mission to pass on something better than what we received.  His words ring true and his emotion is plainly not acted.  I was moved by his cries of desperation to save this country…and believe that you will be too. This alone was worth the price of the CD. I recommend picking one up and sharing it with your family and friends. David Simpson Recovering Attorney, Patriot and Gentleman (in training) Check out some of our previews from What Lincoln Killed-Episode I:

Thomas Jefferson, John Taylor, and Little Jimmy Madison Explain Nullification:

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    What Lincoln Killed-EPISODE I, Jefferson & Madison Schemed Nullification TheKingDude

Thomas Jefferson Approves of Northern States Seceding:

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    What Lincoln Killed-EPISODE I, Jefferson & Madison Schemed Nullification TheKingDude

The Timothy Pickering Story or How the North tried to secede in 1803:

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    What Lincoln Killed-EPISODE I, Jefferson & Madison Schemed Nullification TheKingDude

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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