
FLASH SALE: Debbie Schlussel Reviews the Spirit of ’76 DVD-CD

todayApril 7, 2016 20

The grand-daddy of them all-The Spirit of ’76 Audio Edition-Commuting has never been so entertaining or eductational

Mandeville, LA  – The  “Spirit of ‘76” isn’t for dummies, but they’re the ones who most need to see it.  And Obama voters.  And people affected by big government interference.  And anyone who’s ever said, “there ought to be a federal law.”  And pretty much all Americans.  Watching this movie made me realize how I’ve missed out on important chunks of American history, and I learned a lot from it.

Read the entire review, watch trailers, listen to audio clips and more here. Here’s more of Debbie Schlussel’s review…

It’s a new movie, which gives a fascinating, thoughtful look into the crafting of America’s Constitution at the Continental Congress of 1787 in Philadelphia.  The DVD is produced by Sirius Patriot Channel 125 host Mike Church (on whose show I do movie reviews every Friday) and his Founding Father Films production company.  The movie, which premieres tonight, is also directed and narrated by Church, and he also takes part in the acting with his many great impressions and accents.  Also making an appearance in the movie is liberal actor Jay Thomas (also a Sirius host), who does a great job as the voice of Benjamin Franklin.

THE SEQUEL: The Spirit of ’76-The Story Continues, Writing & Ratifying The Bill of Rights

For more on Ben Franklin, pick up your copy of The Spirit of 76 right here!
For more on Ben Franklin, pick up your copy of The Spirit of 76 right here!

“Using the delegates’ own words at the Convention and in notes they wrote of the proceedings, Church enlightens us more on the founding fathers who wanted a monarchy, after we’d just gotten finished fighting one.  I learned about that in school, but I didn’t know that, for instance, Alexander Hamilton literally wrote that he supported a national “dictator” who would be able to use executive privileges for “bribing the legislature.”

And while the states righters won out, as Church points out, today, the nationalists have won.  As we know, Congress and the federal government interfere in all areas of our lives, from the air that we breathe (OSHA) and food that we eat (USDA) to that tag on the pillow we sleep on at night.

Still, the founders–the delegates from several states to the Continental Congress spoke eloquently in their valiant fight against that.    My favorite quote is from George Mason, who said that while he wasn’t against the men of that time who were for a national government,

“I doubt we will be succeeded by men of such character.

Ain’t that the truth.  Look at Washington, DC today and those who regulate our lives to death, leaving little rights to the individual states and, ultimately, the individual American.

Debbie Gives the Spirit of ’76, available on CD & DVD, FOUR REAGANS 

Watch Her Review Video Here!

From Mike Church's Spirit of '76
A still image from the Spirit of ’76 Movie on DVD
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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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