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December Surprise: Lame Duck Congress Power Grab

todaySeptember 30, 2010 6

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    December Surprise: Lame Duck Congress Power Grab TheKingDude

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    December Surprise: Lame Duck Congress Power Grab TheKingDude

Abolish Lame Duck Sessions as a Check against Unaccountable Governance

(Audio) MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA –  With Congress deciding to adjourn in order tocampaign, the table is set for a massive push following the elections, to passthe most highly controversial measures such as a tax increase via a lame ducksession of Congress.

This coldly calculated political maneuver is a two-foldfleecing of the American people, one it allows the outgoing members one lastchance to line their former districts with pork whilst also allowing wholly unaccountableto the electorate and two, provides political cover for the newly mintedmembers from having to justify the forthcoming tax increase to theirconstituents.

Written by: TheKingDude

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