
Decepticons And Progressive Internationalists Want War With Iran

todayNovember 25, 2013 6


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I want to get back to the Iranian, John “Rambo” Kerry, and Barack Obama deal.  The last caller at the end of the hour agreed with the point that the president has sent his secretary of state over there on behalf of the United States Senate basically to negotiate what amounts to a treaty over this.  That doesn’t mean the Senate has to ratify it.  If Ms. Ayotte and Mr. Graham and McCain and all the rest of them, if they’re so worried about this, then tell the Senate to start acting like the Senate and do its job.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I want to get back to the Iranian, John “Rambo” Kerry, and Barack Obama deal.  The last caller at the end of the hour agreed with the point that the president has sent his secretary of state over there on behalf of the United States Senate basically to negotiate what amounts to a treaty over this.  That doesn’t mean the Senate has to ratify it.  If Ms. Ayotte and Mr. Graham and McCain and all the rest of them, if they’re so worried about this, then tell the Senate to start acting like the Senate and do its job.  Take a vote on it, call it a treaty, and say: No, we’re not going to give you permission.  You can’t get 75 votes in this chamber for your little treaty.


Henry_detail_ChristmasJust one more point on this.  It is claimed by Graham and Ben Cardin and Bob Corker and all the rest of them that it is a foregone conclusion and the entire planet knows that the Iranians have a nuke or they’re developing a nuke.  The Israelis are claiming they know.  I have a story here from the Christian Science Monitor that says that’s not the case.  Here’s the headline, “Israeli military goes off message on Iran nuclear talks.”  There’s actually a video attached to this.  The story says, “Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu fiercely opposes a deal with Iran, but the Israeli military puts a more positive spin on how a deal could bolster regional stability.”  This is by Joshua Mitnick from Tel Aviv:


Even as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues his diplomatic offensive against what he calls a “dangerous” compromise on Iran’s nuclear program, Israel’s military intelligence seems open to a deal, even one that relaxes the Western sanctions on Iran that Mr. Netanyahu has vocally supported.

According to an unclassified assessment shared by a senior Israeli officer, military intelligence is focused on the implications of a potential compromise between Iran and the P5+1 (the US, Britain, France, Russia, China, and Germany).

A deal would boost President Hassan Rouhani, whose surprise victory in June appeared to herald a political shift in Iran – although he is up against hardliners who oppose a deal.

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Mike:  You would think that we would be open to this and we would welcome this, folks.  If the goal truly is to eliminate and not have nuclear war, a change in political direction in a country that you have been at odds with previously would seem to be greeted by openness.  It’s the exact opposite with decepticons and progressive internationalists, in other words, those that live for war.


“We see a bit of a possibility, although it’s quite problematic, of more … stability,” said the officer, who spoke on the basis of anonymity. But that is dependent on the success of negotiations “over the nuclear project, but more than that, over the relief of the sanctions on the Iranian economy,” he said.

article-v-pamphlet-adThough it’s not the first time that parts of Israel’s security establishment have broken with Mr. Netanyahu’s approach on Iran, the intelligence report offers fresh evidence of stark differences within Israel’s power structure.

[end reading]

Mike:  We have the same differences here.  We have members of the United States Senate out there swearing on international television that the Iranians have a nuke and they know it because of our intelligence, but our intelligence swears on the same stack of Bibles and says: We don’t know that.  We keep sending you guys reports saying the exact opposite and you keep ignoring us.  Then the story goes on to tell a little bit more about what is happening over there.


Iranians are frustrated with the country’s economic woes brought on by sanctions, so an easing would likely give Mr. Rouhani a boost in domestic support. If talks collapsed, cutting short efforts to lift some of the sanctions, Mr. Rouhani would likely see a major dip in support and possible unrest, according to the military’s calculations.

[end reading]

Mike:  In other words, we want to see Iran destabilized.  Eric, wasn’t stability one of the hallmarks of the reason why we had to go and bomb Bashar al-Assad back into the 8th century?

Eric:  I believe so.

Mike:  [mocking] “We must create stability in the region.”  When it comes to the Iranians, they’re not allowed to make a left turn at Albuquerque.  They’re only allowed to turn into the lane that says we are forever more at odds with them.  Instead of being jubilant at the prospect at having peace with a country that is purportedly our enemy and part of the axis of evil, we instead have statesmen taking the exact opposite stand.  Why?

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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