
Democrats Ban Thomas Jefferson But Canonize Eugenicists-The End Is Near

todayJuly 23, 2015 16

It's Spring! Order your Jefferson REVOLT t-shirts today!
It’s Spring! Order your Jefferson REVOLT t-shirts today!

Mandeville, LA – The CT Democrat Party has just announced it is permanently removing the names of Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson from their annual Jefferson-Jackson-Bailey fundraising dinner after unceasing demands from the NAACP to do so. All hail the annual Sanger-Planned Parenthood-Gosnell, CT, DNC fundraiser. Gee, I wonder what those cute little paté drizzled, heart shaped h’douveres are? Wait, those ARE hearts, and the paté….

Truth= Conformity of the Mind to Reality. The reality that ‘Muricah was founded by slave owners cannot be undone, nor can the accomplishments of said slave-owners be rescinded by the fiat of an angry mob that cannot bring itself to denounce actual demons, murdering minority babies for profit but can demonize the mean slave owner who cannot field a defense and cannot rely on modern men, the benefactors of their political success, to do so either. Chesterton said that “tradition is democracy for the dead” but he couldn’t have known the ‘Murican tradition would become to make the future dead so there can become no Tradition’s democracy. Just wait, if you’re pro-life, Catholic and hygienic, there’s a renaming and reprogramming in your future too.

UPDATE 1: A friend asks on Facebook: It’s gotten past the ludicrous level now. Unfortunately, the answer to “when does it stop” is “never”.

I respond: When does it stop? I can answer that. When the Allies carpet bomb Peoria and a pair of nukes are dropped on Rehoboth DE and Wrightsville Beach NC.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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