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Democrats Try To Weaponize The Teenage Sex They Want All Teenagers To Have – The Mike Church Show

todaySeptember 18, 2018 8


Mandeville, La

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines


Welcome to the Mike Church Show on www.crusadechannel.com Call the show 844-5CRUSADE

Penthouse, Playboy and all the smut magazines in the convenience stores.

Penthouse Forum – men or what have you could get their stories published.

HEADLINE: Why I Stopped Reading Playboy for the Articles by Ryan Girdusky

HEADLINE: UNHINGED: Mad Maxine Waters Encourages ‘Resistance’ to “Knock Off” President Trump (VIDEO) by Cristian Laila




 HEADLINE: Kavanaugh, His Accuser Will Testify Before Senate Committee by Byron Tau, Natalie Andrews & Kristina Peterson

  • I believe he would have raped me…
  • So we are basically going to crucify this man because she “believes” he was going to harm her?
  • This just doesn’t make any sense.
  • Who actually introduces this into the public and what public believes her?
  • Duke University Lacrosse Team (can you fill the blanks in)
  • Remember everyone claimed Crystal Mangum was creditable. It never happened….
  • This woman was later found guilty of murdering her boyfriend.
  • She completely ruined 3 young mens lives.

HEADLINE: Duke lacrosse accuser found guilty of murder

  • Mike’s example of if this would have happened to one of his daughters.
  • What about the reputation of Brett Kavanaugh?

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.



Caller Cindy from Florida –

  • The Republicans didn’t want the pro-life Catholic woman b/c if that came to a vote we would see the Senators that claimed to be pro-life but actually aren’t.
  • This is the moderate that both sides can really tolerate.
  • I think Trump really wanted the pro-life candidate but he is listening to the wrong people.
  • Brian Mast for Congress in Florida – this is the talk show mafia’s candidates.
  • Rick Scott is now in a tight race now.
  • Free State Project in New Hampshire – do you know what happened to them?
  • Apathetic and comfortable  *
  • President Trump has a prayer team.
  • If you don’t get your people in the Churches to vote then we are going to lose.  Autumn Ember Days This Week
  • Changing your eating for 3 days in reparation.
  • We didn’t get any mention of this at the Mass I went to this past Sunday.
  • Did you hear it in your diocese? Do you know when they are?
  • Autumn Ember Days September 19, 21, 22

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  • Does it have member access? You cannot share data bases.
  • The data base is NOT linked to VRN website.
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Yesterday was Constitution Day – we totally missed the huge fanfare!

  • There is nothing in the Constitution that says there needs to be a hearing on SCOTUS nominee.
  • It wasn’t until the 1920’s when the Congress decided they had enough power to do so.
The Founders Tradin’ Post now offers “group discounts”. Do you have a Latin Mass Society or Bible study group? Contact the store manager jenn@mikechurch.com and she will get you a discount code specifically for YOUR group.


HEADLINE: Kavanaugh in the #MeToo Era by Mona Charen




Christian Moral Teachings –

HEADLINE: The Holy Church of CrossFit by Gracy Olmstead


Autumn Ember Days – start tomorrow

  • What happens at these gyms? Hook-ups
  • People were longing for relationships that have “meaning”. Where you might find this? Ummm The Catholic Church!
  • What is a traditional marker of time?
  • I think this should apply to everyone, not just Catholics.
  • Does anyone dispute what every Saturday and Sunday is in America? The weekend, everyone knows that correct?
  • If the Church doesn’t talk about Ember days, then we as a laity have to do it.


Father John Hollowell YouTube Channel is a great resource.


HEADLINE: Kavanaugh in the #MeToo Era by Mona Charen

  • Let’s have a hook-up college campus.
  • You want all of these perversions to be legal but you pounce when it happens.
  • Is there a manual on groping?
  • What is the definition of “pawing”? Did Bill Clinton ‘paw’ Monica?
  • This isn’t disturbing, not in today’s sexual culture.
  • What comes after the grope? The act that brings about the need for Planned Parenthood.


HEADLINE: Why The GOP Should Confirm Kavanaugh In Spite Of This Last-Minute Accusation by David Marcus

  • “So here we are. After a lifetime of good service, Kavanaugh is being thrown under the bus of a single vague accusation.  Feinstein could have raised this months ago, could have made it a point of questioning during the hearings. She didn’t.”

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Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!


Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at www.mikechurch.com

BREAKING: China announces tariff hike on $60B of US products in response to Trump duty increase in technology dispute. AP News

  • Does a Trade War have advantages? A few
  • Does it have disadvantages? Tons


 HEADLINE: U.S. Air Force seeks sharp growth to stay ahead of China, Russia by Phil Stewart

  • “U.S. Air Force is predicting it will need to grow sharply over the next decade or so, boosting the number of operational squadrons by nearly a quarter to stay ahead of increasingly muscular militaries in China and Russia, officials said.”
  • Really? We need to INCREASE our military? Any aspect of it?
  • Why wouldn’t you fly over non-televised college football games?
  • Because this is all an advertisement for the military. It’s a FREE ad for the US Air Force.
  • This will increase the Air Force to about 717,000 personnel.
  • These numbers do not include the “Space Force”.


 HEADLINE: The Movie That Captured the Banality of Suburbia by Dan Decarlo

  • A scathing, if subtle, critique of late 20th-century suburban society.
  • Have you ever moved because the school system in that area is bad?
  • “In this sense, The ‘Burbs was strangely prophetic, and not just with regard to its understanding of post-Cold War spiritual boredom.”
  • If you are “spiritually bored” you need to find a Roman Catholic Parish that serves every day of the week the Traditional Old School form of Mass.
  • VIDEO/AUDIO: We Are The Lunatics 1989 from the Burbs




  • Most middle-class families don’t have a cash savings of over $1,000 .
  • These things have been created!
  • We take it as an article of faith – educated people.
  • Moving goalpost of acceptable behavior.
  • We shouldn’t accept usury.
  • Retirement is now old people traveling all over the world.
  • What did people have as a principle financial and familial asset? 1) property (not a mortgage) 2) a Vocation
  • Don’t tell your children to get a college loan.
  • It is strapping them down with basically a mortgage bill for their education.
  • This is a moral and material catastrophe.
  • I want my child to have a better life than I had.
  • Such a ridiculous statement.
  • Why wouldn’t you WANT to pass on your vocation to your children.


HEADLINE: Every 500 Years, the Church Faces a Crisis — Is This the Worst Yet? by Benjamin Wiker

  • “So, this is a big crisis, arguably the biggest the Church has faced. That is why half-measures, bishops’ committees, solemn and airy declarations and stonewalling must stop. The Church must be scoured, and it seems that the laity must take the lead in the cleanup.”
  • This is a LUKEWARM Catholic and homosexual Crisis.

Today’s Pile of Prep: “Wiker may not realize his minor contradiction here: The Church’s leaders ARE secularists, thus their flight away from orthodoxy and into novelty that’s now given way to normalizing perversion, cannot be of holy origins as surely as the pagan’s perversions it replaced were.” – Mike Church

  • It doesn’t have it’s origins in Holy things, it has it’s origins in secular things.
  • You can become Holy on your own.

A Call To Arms: Join Me In The Confraternity of The CRUSADER Knights of The Most Holy Rosary

Special Guest Rick Barrett host of The Barrett Brief doing a rundown of what’s coming up next!

 BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: http://brave.com/mik060 We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
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Meta-tags for show

Benjamin Wiker, lukewarm Catholic, Church crisis, homosexuals, LGBTQ, middle-class, vocations, college loans, The Burbs, Dan Decarlo, Space Force, President Trump, military industrial complex, US Air Force, Cristian Laila, Ryan Girdusky , Maxine Waters, Byron Tau, Natalie Andrews, Kristina Peterson, Duke lacrosse, sexual accusers, Brett Kavanaugh, Ember days, fasting, Gracy Olmstead, Catholic Air Raid Warning Siren, Mona Charen, Phil Stewart, David Marcus, tariff war

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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