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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Cops or drones taking out Christopher Dorner and other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “That all Power was originally in the People–that all the Powers of Government are derived from them–that all Power, which they have not disposed of, still continues theirs–are Maxims of the English Constitution, which, we presume, will not be disputed.” – James Wilson, 13 Feb., 1776, an Address to The 2nd Continental Congress
The Atlantic: Friersdorf wonders aloud exactly WHY Marco Rubio has become so popular among the “conservatives” with his 5th grade reading level speeches, water breaks and demagoguery on making war!?
LRC: Was Dorner’s demise collateral damage to protect government workers (cops)?
LAPD REFUSES to rule out whether they used drones to track/find Dorner but no-one has yet asked if they used them to incinerate the fatal cabin or “Dronify™” him
Is UhMerrikka as dumb as thu faincie testers say she er? – Ummm, the test scores don’t lie but I bet you most of the test takers do!
Would you like some cheese with that whine? Libs bemoan that Rubio “must have missed the year of the woman”, something that I must have missed too but I did hear of the year of the disfigured, dismembered, raped and tortured woman
DeceptiCONNED ala “McCarthyism”–GOP Senators basically accuse Senator Hagel of being a double agent for the Iranians because he does not support intervention without condition. is THAT what a political party that is rebuilding and needs NEW members does to recruit!?
Will someone please remind me of exactly WHY the Pauls-Ron & Rand-endorsed Ted Cruz for the U.S. Senate as he emerges to be MISTER INTERVENTION, Captain Bellicose!?
Not so fast Dr. Drone! Rand Paul says he will not release the Dr. Drone (John Brennan) nomination until Brenann answers whether or not American citizens can be dronified on American soil
Will the last person of conscience and wealth pull up the drawbridge when they leave California but first answer this: Why CAN’T a religion based school, refuse to hire atheists as teachers!?
White petition to memorialize Navy SEAL & sniper Chris Kyle
NY Slimes revels in the internecine “turf war” being waged for the soul of the GOP
Fun with “pitchers”- Guardian UK graphs out the Idiocracy of the SOTU and it’s literary quality as pioneered by Brion MacClanhan and Mike Church
Funny how the secular NON-Catholic Fable News Media insists on having a say so in choosing the next, Catholic, very religious leader of The Lord’s Church in Rome
Just how much more duplicity can the Lib Elites expect people to swallow on Obama’s horrific evisceration of civil liberties?
The logical end result of 5 decades of pursuing government financed sexual aids? Welfare drag queens
Your Not-so-friendly neighborhood anti super-hero “The Watchmen” is just that, an unrelenting, paranoid, soul-less apparition from the underworld
SICK: Abortionists at NARAL work feverishly to embellish their youthful “image” and “fire up” their promoters as if one SHOULD be “fired up” to kill the yet to be born!?
Written by: TheKingDude
abortion California Chris Kyle civil liberties religion rubio ted cruz
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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