
“It Doesn’t Take A Majority To Make A Rebellion…”

todayOctober 15, 2013 6


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – There were letters that Henry was writing to Washington warning Washington.  I’ll put this in terms that modern people can understand: Hey, dude, we were supposed to raise a bunch of militia dudes here and they were supposed to be all ginned up and excited about fighting the Brits and independence and all that sort of jazz.  Yeah, it’s not happening here anymore.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I would tend to agree that forces will be employed to try and prevent this.  By the bye, this is something else that I guess has missed its mark or fallen through the cracks of American history, and this is even modern history here.  There have been very few successful marches on DC.  I don’t even know that you can say the famous Martin Luther King march on DC actually accomplished what it was that was accomplished in the halls of the Senate and of the House and in state legislatures across the country.  That was something people put decades and decades and decades of effort into.  We hear this all the time.  Almost every day I get a piece of email or a Facebook post with someone saying [mocking] “If all you talk show hosts would just band together and get us all together for one effort, we’d take care of this.”  I’ve never subscribed to that.  I don’t believe it.  I don’t believe any careful or fair study of the events that you call the American Revolution today would lead one to that conclusion.  People make their own minds up and they make them up for different reasons.  They may unite in a like and common cause, but they don’t necessarily do so in associated and culled moments, meaning they don’t all gather together in one place.


You may recall that the Continental Congress was made up of delegates from the 13 colonies.  The people sent some delegates to go get some things done, but they didn’t actually do it themselves.  Even when the delegates were there, there wasn’t even a majority to get anything done.  It wasn’t until the signal event of spring and early summer in 1776 led by Virginia — did you know, folks — this is another field of study that is just fascinating to me and runs absolutely counter to the internet-fed fantasy that is the founding generation.  I have read entire letters and ledgers from Patrick Henry’s first and second term as governor of the great State of Virginia, the first elected governor of a country that was governed by a constitution drafted by representatives of the people in human history.  In Henry’s second term, there were letters that Henry was writing to Washington.  You’ll see them in the book if you were wise enough to grab a copy of the first printing from the Founders Tradin’ Post of Patrick Henry American Statesman.

Patrick_Henry_American_Statesman_paperback_cover_DETAILThere were letters that Henry was writing to Washington warning Washington.  I’ll put this in terms that modern people can understand: Hey, dude, we were supposed to raise a bunch of militia dudes here and they were supposed to be all ginned up and excited about fighting the Brits and independence and all that sort of jazz.  Yeah, it’s not happening here anymore.  The fact of the matter is, our enlistments are running at about a third of what we thought they were going to run, and even those one-third, if we don’t promise to pay them and properly equip them, are refusing to go and join up with your army.  So, yeah, it’s going to be really difficult getting you any numbers of troops, and you’re not going to get the number of troops you requested from Virginia.  Henry even said it seemed that the spirit of the revolution was waning amongst his citizenry, and he couldn’t believe it.  He was like: Man, we have victory at hand here!  Yet the spirit of the citizenry was on the wane.

For those of you that think that everyone on the North American continent was patriot in the Continental Army and was yelling from the rooftops about independence or “liberty or death” and what have you, that is not how it happened, it simply isn’t.  It was only by the grace of God that Washington’s army was able to avoid capture and total decimation for four years while learning to organize and be a better military outfit that any victory — it wasn’t really a victory.   It was a stalemate.  Cornwallis being surrounded by the French Navy seems to have been forgotten by many people.  Washington did have him pinned in at Yorktown but we didn’t have a navy.  Admiral Lord Richard Howe was on the way to rescue Cornwallis.  That’s why he went to Yorktown, thinking he was going to get bailed out.  That’s what Cornwallis thought, he’d make it to the James River.  Howe’s armada will come and rescue us and get us out of here and we’ll regroup and live to fight another day.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

henry knew best

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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